‘23 LSU transfer OT Zalance Heard (Tennessee)

I frown upon thee, my fellow descendant of chimpanzees.
Anyone 👀 just look at the clues He left us. Bones are puzzle pieces.

Anyone doubting 👀👀 just look at the canvas He left us. Its better than any Renoir, Matisse, or Monet.

Small as a mustard seed. The omnipotent created heavens, and Earth. Created the perfect machine. But forgot to have a long term plan?

Not everything is black and white.

Now, is this dude taking visits or hwat?
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For you Office fans:

Kevin: Pam?
Pam: Hmm?
Kevin: When will the new copier be ready?
Pam: I'm working on it Kev.
Kevin: You said it would be ready by today. And it is today.
Pam: It'll be ready soon.
Kevin: Soon could mean anything. Soon could be 3 weeks.
Pam: Is that what 'soon' means to you?
Kevin: Sometimes.
Pam: Then come back soon.
Anyone 👀 just look at the clues He left us. Bones are puzzle pieces.

Anyone doubting 👀👀 just look at the canvas He left us. Its better than any Renoir, Matisse, or Monet.

Small as a mustard seed. The omnipotent created heavens, and Earth. Created the perfect machine. But forgot to have a long term plan?

Not everything is black and white.

Now, is this dude taking visits or hwat?
Do any of y’all remember the Witchdoctor that always said Bones Don’t Lie? 😆
So he admits to trolling and you call it the Lord's work. Interesting.
you didn't read a single thing I wrote but that. Nice agenda. He literally explained what he meant by that, once again I guess you didn't read that.
Do any of y’all remember the Witchdoctor that always said Bones Don’t Lie? 😆
Twss, and Yes. Dude's schtick was so dumb. I blocked him asap.

He has the distinction, in 19 years of being one of 4 dewds, who have been perma blocked.

1. Bruin
2. Little Vol
3. Witch Doctor

There was one other, Orange Defense. But he got relegated, so...unblocked.

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