The grill cook must have said something to the lead line cook or pointed at the grill that was covered in hot Easy-Off. All I hear after that is, "F*&k it!"... then all I hear is the sound of a steak hissing as it hits the grill.
Slightly before midnight, the steak is ready and the server comes back in the kitchen to get his order. He takes the plate outside to one of the tables that the servers gravitate around as they are about to leave or where they come visit each other when they are not working. Anyways, the server manages to close down his area and eat his meal. This is probably past 12:30 or so when he comes back to the kitchen with an empty, clean plate. All the cooks (including myself) just looked at each other. The lead line cook broke the ice and asked my man, "How was it?". I swear, and I can see the brightness and sincerity in his face as he replied back, "It was the best steak I ever had..." I don't have any idea how any of us were able to hold a straight face after that, but I say all of that to say 2 things:
1. Don't procrastinate
2. Be careful about sending food back