The only way this move makes sense to me is if there actually is trouble coming for Auburn. I think the newton NCAA issues are done with but you never know what else is out there.
The only way this move makes sense to me is if there actually is trouble coming for Auburn. I think the newton NCAA issues are done with but you never know what else is out there.
I forgot about the FBI angle. I kind of thought that was just a message board thing that got blown out of perspective. Didn't that come from the extra long tigerdroppings post in which nothing ever materialized. I might be wrong but I can't remember another source.
The tigerdroppings thread was totally over the top. If what that guy wrote was true, its the sort of thing that would have literally discretied the university. It was way too far fetched and speculative.
The tigerdroppings thread was totally over the top. If what that guy wrote was true, its the sort of thing that would have literally discretied the university. It was way too far fetched and speculative.