Manafort Trial Thread

Q followers be like...


Good try Francis. Not even close.

All hat and no cattle is the phrase that comes to mind.
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Not true. People following Q are patriots and non violent. Now those that follow Antifa, well, we have examples of their violent behavior. You need to recheck your facts because they are not facts.

the cosmic pizza shooter says what? If someone follows fantasy and believe Alex Jones types, they are prone to be set off at any time.
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My post explained why you don't get there through arbitrarily throwing tarrifs around, you become less efficient and lose market shard.

Short term losses can be more than made up for in long term goals ... we both know how that works . Every company will adjust no matter what the market does . You don’t have explain it to I already know . You still ducked the statement you made about Trump not liking free trade ... I’ll ask again , how does a president that advocates for no tariffs hate FREE trade ?
I'm watching it happen you dolt.

B2B and wholesalers are passing along tremendous price increases to their customers right now...all tarrif related. I'm talking 10% - 25% depending on input commodities.

I live this, I am a sales manager for a fortune 500 company. You eat boogers.

And you didn't expect this with a trade war? Short term pain, long term gain.
I'm watching it happen you dolt.

B2B and wholesalers are passing along tremendous price increases to their customers right now...all tarrif related. I'm talking 10% - 25% depending on input commodities.

I live this, I am a sales manager for a fortune 500 company. You eat boogers.
Patience is key here. Give it some time.
If you think Hillary would be worse that this colossal clusterf**k, then you just aren't very bright. This administration is the most corrupt and most incompetent in our lifetimes. At this point, comatose Hillary would be an improvement.

Hillary would have been 100x worse for the country.
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Oh I'm sure he's going too, just like Manafort. I'll cry not years over either. If they broke the law I'm not all warm and fuzzy over them.
In what world is 10% - 25% "cents"?

Let me break this down, the global free market/free trade is great for the common man because it drives profit margins down closer to cost of production - making everything more affordable.

This knowledge was lost when Trump rode his "everybody screwed us" wave of populism to the White House.

The lost manufacturing jobs are never coming back - there is a huge population dropoff after millennials. We will continue to automate.

The global free market is great for me because it allows me to source more cheaply and therefore offer lower prices.

Tarrifs are bad because they interrupt trade deals, contracts and agreements right down to the local level. They create an inefficiency - rising prices without the productivity to match.

Worst of all, people will find long term solutions that exclude us. Tarrifs are poorly informed price increases. Kind of like when the Saudis got really greedy with oil - that incentivized us to go full bore into our own oil and gas industry. The Saudis spent all of 2015 trying to crush American oil and gas by dumping oil onto the global market. Didn't work - the new competitor was here for good, the loss of market share was permanent.

When was this "global free market" you speak of?
Short term losses can be more than made up for in long term goals ... we both know how that works . Every company will adjust no matter what the market does . You don’t have explain it to I already know . You still ducked the statement you made about Trump not liking free trade ... I’ll ask again , how does a president that advocates for no tariffs hate FREE trade ?

Not how it works. I explained above, you're not taking to it...and yes, arbitrarily throwing around tarrifs = hatred of free market. He says he likes it, he, like you, doesn't understand what it is. Views it as a zero sum game.

I am done with this. Time for me to get work done.
Not how it works. I explained above, you're not taking to it...and yes, arbitrarily throwing around tarrifs = hatred of free market. He says he likes it, he, like you, doesn't understand what it is. Views it as a zero sum game.

I am done with this. Time for me to get work done.

That’s a good place for you to stop lol
Yep. I made my point.

I agree you made YOUR point . I do understand how the market works , the bottom line is in its most basic form a zero sum game . You can talk about your costs of production and cost of supplies , manpower , utilities all you want too but you , I and every company everywhere will adjust to the market , always have , always will . Your costs include tariffs right now as they stand , last year they included the tariffs as they stood , next year if there are no tariffs or lower tariffs you will include them also then you can pass those discounts along to the customers or put it in your little pocket .
So now we can’t give him credit of winning the electorial college either , because he didn’t win a majority in the republican nomination ? This is too much of a rabbit hole even for me I’m just gonna stand on the edge a watch this time lol
My comment was that you can't blame Trump on Hillary because she had nothing to do with the republican primaries. SamR. was the one bringing up the fact Trump didn't get a majority in the primaries and that most repubs did not vote for Trump.
My comment was that you can't blame Trump on Hillary because she had nothing to do with the republican primaries. SamR. was the one bringing up the fact Trump didn't get a majority in the primaries and that most repubs did not vote for Trump.

On this I agree with you.

Trump is the result of a general disgust in the establishment, not just Hillary. Although if y'all would have nominated Webb we'd have a Dem in the WH right now.
60% approval from the American people for Obama. Meanwhile, Trump continues to struggle to get to 40% due to his own daily missteps and comical gaffes.
You all are going to follow him right off the cliff. It's fascinating to watch.

60% is a little misleading but somehow I think you already new that. President Obama had 48% approval over his term.(48% is a good number)

In case you want to check me all you have to do is look at what his approval numbers were the last month of every year and divide by eight. If you don't think I did it in a fair manner feel free to check it month to month but you won't like what that does to the % number.
60% is a little misleading but somehow I think you already new that. President Obama had 48% approval over his term.(48% is a good number)

In case you want to check me all you have to do is look at what his approval numbers were the last month of every year and divide by eight. If you don't think I did it in a fair manner feel free to check it month to month but you won't like what that does to the % number.

he had a low of 40% twice with a high of 65%.

Presidential Job Approval Center

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