Marquez North production



Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
What do you expect North's first year production to be? Do you think he'll be a starter by season's end? He is the offensive player I'm most excited about from this last recruiting class.
He came to the right place because he should win an immediate starting job. Let's hope he delivers.
He is definately going to have an impact. The question is how steep will his learning curve be? I'm hoping for a 90% learning curve myself.
He will start from game 1. If you think carter or blanc or anyone besides pig is more explosive then your out of your mind. I'd like to see Bowles and Croom contribute as well. North is starting game one though book it.
I hope he's good enough to be a starter by seasons end. Don't really know who all would be ahead of him.
They say he better then they projected him...meaning hes bigger faster and more buns
I hope he's everything as advertised and stays healthy!

He will compliment Croom and Bowles very, very well as he has a very physical presence on the field.

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