Marquez North production

What do you expect North's first year production to be? Do you think he'll be a starter by season's end? He is the offensive player I'm most excited about from this last recruiting class.

I think he will play immediately. It is not like it was when Jones, Moore and Stocker graduated and Da Rick, Hunter & Rivera had a year of experience and they stepped in immediately.

None of these guys really have experience. So, he will play immediately. I would think that he will rack up some nice numbers in the non conference games and gain some confidence from that.

I see him with 8 touchdowns and between 500 & 700 yards, during the regular season. The offensive co ordinator has to get him in situations in which he can use his strengths. Once the season is completed, he can focus on his shortcomings and be better his sophomore season.
If I had to pick a starting 3 it would be croom, north, and dallas. Lets not forget the only spot guaranteed is Dallas he's got most experience. But if you think about those 3 plus Harris all outside guys and then add pig young and Jenkins as slots, I like our core.
What do you expect North's first year production to be? Do you think he'll be a starter by season's end? He is the offensive player I'm most excited about from this last recruiting class.

He could start day 1 depending on how well he performs in fall camp. He has all the tools to do it.
25 receptions for 350 yards

That's about what I'm thinking also, 250-350 yards and 2-4 td's. Everyone needs to temper their expectations a bit, he's not a natural WR like Da'rick and Hunter were. He played QB mostly and doesn't catch the ball like a true WR. There's going to be a big learning curve, and they'll bring him along slowly. I expect him to be really good next year when he's had time to learn the position fully
While I think he will have a good freshman year, those throws are going to spread out amongst a bunch of receivers--Pig, Croom, Blanc, Carter, Bowles, etc so I don't see Hunter type numbers initially. Don't sleep on Croom guys.
Probably 60-80 percent of snaps

And I agree with 600-800 yards.

Might be higher. Here's why:

He's has the assets of a college level WR right now. But lacks refinement of route running and watching the ball into his hands. However, he's the kind of player that no sensible coach is going to leave sitting on the bench. That's especially true with our current WR situation. His speed is going to make him such a credible down field threat that he will eat up lots of yardage, lots and lots of yardage.

I think we lucked into a Da'Rick Rogers-Justin Hunter hybrid. My only concern is his childhood model is Terrel Owens. Hopefully he means the athletic prowess and not the attitude. If his head is better attached than either DR or TO, we got it made with this guy. If Croom plays as I believe he will, putting them on opposite sides of the line or even the same side will be a nightmare every time we opt to pass. If the QB can get the ball to them, I dare say we will whip Bama by 2-3 points or scare the unholy bejeebers out of them right up to the final whistle.
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I think we have a lot of WR's that will be effective for the 2013 season, with the line we have and a solid RB group you will see a lot of dumps and digs that will give the WR's a chance for YAK. Its going to be fun to see the young group patient VOL NATION
I think he's gonna struggle as a frosh. He's a tremendous athlete that was a playmaker in high school primarily carrying the ball not catching it. Gonna take him awhile to transition to being an SEC WR as a result IMHO.
They say he better then they projected him...meaning hes bigger faster and more buns

This statement makes Midfielder very nervous!

Another freshman football player to come in and hit on his girlfriend.
While I think he will have a good freshman year, those throws are going to spread out amongst a bunch of receivers--Pig, Croom, Blanc, Carter, Bowles, etc so I don't see Hunter type numbers initially. Don't sleep on Croom guys.

Dont think anybody is sleeping on Croom, this most of us expect him to be our leading receiver.

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