You are not likely to get over a divorce. But you can improve your life. You can move on in a forward direction. I think that how long you suffer is going to be directly related to how much importance you placed on your marriage/family. The more it meant, the more it will hurt/paralyze you.
I progressed in stages. And not as fast as I would like. There will be setbacks. But after a year or so I started to realize it was time to stop presiding over the ruins of my marriage. It's over. Time to move on. Life just kept on rolling along and now it's not even a topic anymore. Every one that knew I was married now knows that I'm not. The jig is up.
You are forever changed after an unwanted divorce. But that doesn't mean you can be better. After living through it I can see how it can destroy a person's mindset. All sorts of trust issues, abandonment issues, and many other things. You can easily lose your hope and faith. Even your identity. It will become debilitating if you let it. But you've got to stay strong. Don't have pity parties. Don't wallow in it. Just keep on living, it gets better. Might not seem like, but it will.
Sidenote: PimpVol was stabbed in the back and he died a slow, painful death. R.I.P.