Marvin Mitchell

You probably know as much as anyone. I was disappointed to find out that he was out at 3:37 am at the strip with alcohol on his breath. CPF better get involved quickly and put a stop to this nonsense.
I read on another board that he is suspended indefintely. There's also a rumor that he was not going to be academically eligible this fall without acing all of his summer school classes but I have no way to corroborate that. He would be a huge loss on defense. Hopefully someone can step up.
If he isn't making his grades, and he is out drunk at 3:37am then that would be grounds for indefinite suspension. However, a class C misdemeanor, and a first offense would not alone warrant that type of punishment. I know some will disagree, but this is a first strike (that we know of anyway).
If CPF and Cut are going to set an example some will have to pay harder the others. It was a dumb mistake. Wasn't Mitchell involved in some fight last year too or am I thinking of someone else?
the article on govolsxtra said he got in to a confrtontation with a police officer, after being asked to leave the Rocky Top market....where he apparently, according to the incident report anyway, threatened to knock someone out? it did also say he was smelling of alcohol....

CPF was apparently pretty upset, he called a team meeting at 10 pm last night to discuss....and announced the indefinite suspension of Mitchell.

imo, i think he may make an example of out Mitchell...i think he wants to get the point across that this isn't going to be tolerated any more.... based on what i read, he sounded pretty upset since it's been a while since we've had any serious off the field issues, and he doesn't want it to start now.

time will tell....but i wouldn't be suprised if he's back on the team come fall....the article did say it was his 1st incident in 4 years at UT...
(oklavol @ May 2 said:
This should get UT a couple of more points in the Fulmer cup race.

Your right there OKIE. I mean he must be guilty, right? We know everything, right? He is a college student and he was out late. Imagine that! I will wait to see more before I pass judgement.

It is amazing to me. How many people came on this very board and defended USC and Bush? With Bush as well I will wait to pass judgement. But it is amazing how fast some Fulmer haters will jump. Like blood in the water for sharks.
yeah, i don't know about you guys, but i don't know that the Coach can do anything about someone out at 3.30 am....

the only thing he can do is handle these things as they happen. People are going to do what htey are going to do.....and no matter how much preaching, talking, counselling etc...that a coach does, it doesn't stop someone from being in a gas station parking lot at the wee hours of the morning acting like an idiot..., and i say that as just an example, not implying that Mitchell is guilty of anything just yet.....
(Lexvol @ May 2 said:
If he isn't making his grades, and he is out drunk at 3:37am then that would be grounds for indefinite suspension. However, a class C misdemeanor, and a first offense would not alone warrant that type of punishment. I know some will disagree, but this is a first strike (that we know of anyway).

I think it's a new day on The Hill when it comes to the tolerance for Stupid Stuff.

I think we'll find that our kids are going to be paying a much higher Stupid Tax than they have in the recent past.

It has to be this way for the staff to regain control.

First offenses must be dealt with severely. There's no excuse for this type behavior from young men who have been given so much.
(OldVol @ May 2 said:
I think it's a new day on The Hill when it comes to the tolerance for Stupid Stuff.

I think we'll find that our kids are going to be paying a much higher Stupid Tax than they have in the recent past.

It has to be this way for the staff to regain control.

First offenses must be dealt with severely. There's no excuse for this type behavior from young men who have been given so much.
"Given so much?" Like the honor of being publicly ripped by an ungrateful fan base for making the kind of mistakes that are common by college students? The right to put in hours in the hot summer sun in order to keep a coach from pulling their year to year scholarship? A scholarship that, when valuated compared to the hours they put into their sports, equates to them making less than the guy who prepares my milkshake at the Dairy Queen? The right to do the work that earns the money that funds a bunch of sports you can't pay people to watch, while at the same time not having enough money to go out on a date after a game? Yeah, they're the most fortunate guys in the world.
Life is about choices. You make the wrong ones you get punished. Mitchell should feel enough pain that others will think twice when faced with similar circumstances.
(VolBeef88 @ May 2 said:
Your right there OKIE. I mean he must be guilty, right? We know everything, right? He is a college student and he was out late. Imagine that! I will wait to see more before I pass judgement.

It is amazing to me. How many people came on this very board and defended USC and Bush? With Bush as well I will wait to pass judgement. But it is amazing how fast some Fulmer haters will jump. Like blood in the water for sharks.

What about the charge of disorderly conduct? We can't assume the police had reasonable cause for that?

Especially considering what a tight ship Fulmer had last year.

You must not be familiar with the Fulmer cup point system.
(oklavol @ May 2 said:
What about the charge of disorderly conduct? We can't assume the police had reasonable cause for that?
Having dealt with the KPD on both a personal and professional basis, no.
(hatvol96 @ May 2 said:
"Given so much?" Like the honor of being publicly ripped by an ungrateful fan base for making the kind of mistakes that are common by college students? The right to put in hours in the hot summer sun in order to keep a coach from pulling their year to year scholarship? A scholarship that, when valuated compared to the hours they put into their sports, equates to them making less than the guy who prepares my milkshake at the Dairy Queen? The right to do the work that earns the money that funds a bunch of sports you can't pay people to watch, while at the same time not having enough money to go out on a date after a game? Yeah, they're the most fortunate guys in the world.

Point well taken, and you can read my previous posts to see that I am not for jerking the rug out from other this kid, however when you take it to this degree you also have to know that their are tens of thousands of kids all over the world that would die for the opportuity to "put in hours in hot summer", and the last that I checked, unless you areMark Cuban, you don't get your name in the paper or get to make milkshakes in front of millions of people on national television. Is a scholarship repayment for the amount of work involved? That is up to the individual. Are there fringe benefits that make a scholly worthwile, you bet. It is supply and demand.

If nobody wanted to play for UT do you think the current players would do all the work you described?
(hatvol96 @ May 2 said:
Having dealt with the KPD on both a personal and professional basis, no.

As forgiving as Fulmer has been in the past, if there was any chance of that, I don't believe Fulmer suspends him indefinitely.

I think its safe to assume Fulmer spoke to the KPD about the evidence for the charges before he suspended him indefinitely.

Today police officers record all of their traffic stops on videotape, and I almost be willing to guarantee you that market where he was arrested has video surveillance, they almost all do now. I seriously doubt M. Mitchell gets out of it.
(Lexvol @ May 2 said:
Point well taken, and you can read my previous posts to see that I am not for jerking the rug out from other this kid, however when you take it to this degree you also have to know that their are tens of thousands of kids all over the world that would die for the opportuity to "put in hours in hot summer", and the last that I checked, unless you areMark Cuban, you don't get your name in the paper or get to make milkshakes in front of millions of people on national television. Is a scholarship repayment for the amount of work involved? That is up to the individual. Are there fringe benefits that make a scholly worthwile, you bet. It is supply and demand.

If nobody wanted to play for UT do you think they would do all the work you described?
Those kids don't have the talent to do it. I would love to play in the major leagues, I'm sure I would appreciate it more than many in the leagues now. However, I lack the skills to put fans in the stands. The guy making the milkshake also doesn't have to deal with sports radio critiquing the amount of chocolate syrup he uses. Just because someone "wants"to play for UT doesn't mean they should be there. If everyone wants choirboys, we can get a nice series started with Carson Newman in D-II.
(hatvol96 @ May 2 said:
"Given so much?" Like the honor of being publicly ripped by an ungrateful fan base for making the kind of mistakes that are common by college students? The right to put in hours in the hot summer sun in order to keep a coach from pulling their year to year scholarship? A scholarship that, when valuated compared to the hours they put into their sports, equates to them making less than the guy who prepares my milkshake at the Dairy Queen? The right to do the work that earns the money that funds a bunch of sports you can't pay people to watch, while at the same time not having enough money to go out on a date after a game? Yeah, they're the most fortunate guys in the world.

It must not be too bad since they all choose to do that.

Considering if any one of them decided to quit, they would probably be a 100 other student athletes willing to take his place.

You have any idea the number of high school football players who would love to have an opportunity to play college football and never get the opportunity? You also ignore the doors it opens after you graduate, for UT football alum.

I would be willing to bet 99% of these guys if you would ask them 10 years down the road, they would tell you playing football for UT was the happiest time of their life and what they miss most about being in college.
(hatvol96 @ May 2 said:
Those kids don't have the talent to do it. I would love to play in the major leagues, I'm sure I would appreciate it more than many in the leagues now. However, I lack the skills to put fans in the stands. The guy making the milkshake also doesn't have to deal with sports radio critiquing the amount of chocolate syrup he uses. Just because someone "wants"to play for UT doesn't mean they should be there. If everyone wants choirboys, we can get a nice series started with Carson Newman in D-II.

There is the middle ground. Does the kid need to be kicked off the team for this..No way. But playing college football is an opportunity to be appreciated by everyone having the opportunity. If the it was not in demand, and did not offer the opportunity to advancement to the NFL then the kids would not work as required. When offered the opportunity and the training to make it to the next level why jeopordize it?

The person at Dairy Queen is also not praised by anyone on talk radio, nor he invited to make milkshakes at the next level if he gets the exposure, and by God he better use the right amount of chocolate syrup in my shake.

There is a deficit of common sense here some times.

Playing football in the SEC is a privilege, not a hardship.

It is not too much to expect of young men to keep a decent hour, refrain from alcohol, behave in a manner that does not bring reproach on
the university, and all in all, just do the right thing.

A scholarship at UT is a coveted thing. It is something young men work all of their young lives to attain.

If any of them feel deprived, then let them make those milkshakes. Besides, many of those youngsters flipping burgers for 30 hours a week would
swap places in a second with a kid who puts in roughly 3 hours per day on the practice field. Many young men and women work a full-time job, carry a full class load, and participate in intramural sports and other campus activities. (just because they love it) and also find the time to stay out of trouble. So don't come to me with the sob story of how badly scholarship athletes have it. I know that to be asinine from first hand experience. In fact, its better today that it's ever been. Kids who live off campus, which most do, receive a stipend for housing, and also receive a stipend for meals that, if they are frugal, will always put money in their pockets aside from other stipends afforded. I know of some kids who actually saved money from their stipends and still had money for a date now and then.

As long as they wear the uniform of the University of Tennessee they are held to a higher standard and they should be.

I don't advocate that we should hang and quarter them for a first offense, but the behavior of last season was abominable and must end.

I'm sure Marvin will do all in his power to regain his position on the team. Unlike some here, I'm sure he understands the great privilege it is
to wear the Orange.
Fulmer did the right thing. No better way to prevent a recurrence of what we endured last off season than to come down swiftly and with firm authority after this incident. So maybe the next time a player starts getting into a situation, he knows in the back of his mind that if he screws up he's history, rather than figuring Fulmer will slap him on the wrist and life will go on as usual.

This kind of discipline is just one of the many pieces of the puzzle that we need to get back to a championship caliber form.

yep....we've all been saying it....we need more discipline...that's been one of the most critisized aspects of, let's see how it get's handled, both from a justice standpoint and football standpoint.

I'm guessing with all the heat that he'll be facing on, not only this but the actual football season, this that he won't relent, and will make his point clear in his actions from now on.

walk it, don't talk it, right?
I agree with the discipline aspect of this, but I am also a firm believer that the punishment should fit the crime.

If he sassed a cop with an open container, that's different than breezing down Cumberland Av. while intoxicated.

If he lost his temper and got into a fight that he was provoked into, that's different than putting the slap-down on
a guy 80 pounds your less.

The punishment should fit the crime, and from all indications, from people I know who know him, I think Marvin is
a good kid who made a stupid mistake.

When all of this comes out, let's hope it's not a repeat of some of the stupid incidents of last season.

At any rate, barring a major revelation I've not heard, I believe he might be back with the team. That doesn't
mean Coach Fulmer is not delivering proper discipline, but hopefully it will be a case of the punishment not requiring
permanent dismissal.

The in-house punishment should be so unbearable, and public that the rest of the team might feel sorry for him
before he is finished.

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