Marxist Black Lives Matter

Dollar General and CheckIntoCash may go out of business.

CEO of Checkintocash Mr. Allan Jones!

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Dollar General and CheckIntoCash may go out of business.
Dollar General, like many companies, is a corporation that is publicly traded. Since stock for publicly traded corporations are held by Black individuals, those companies would qualify as Black-owned.
CEO of Checkintocash Mr. Allan Jones!

The CEO is not the owner. He may be one of many owners if the company is publicly traded. If it's a privately held business (and I don't know Checkintocash is private or publicly traded, as I would never invest in that business), then the CEO likely not the owner.
The CEO is not the owner. He may be one of many owners if the company is publicly traded. If it's a privately held business (and I don't know Checkintocash is private or publicly traded, as I would never invest in that business), then the CEO likely not the owner.

I just googled his name. Don't really GAF either way but his pic looked funny.
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I mean that the poster chose the name Franklin Pierce for a reason and he's been running around the board for over 5 years spewing mostly racial BS.

Are you arguing that BLM isn’t a Marxist organization? Idk how anyone could deny that at this point. Their own website up until last year used the word comrade throughout, had a stated goal of disrupting (they have phrased it as dismantling?) the nuclear family (one of the 5 stated aims of the father of cultural Marxism, Gramsci) and the founders are on video calling themselves trained Marxists.

So they admit to being Marxist. Their website is littered with Marxist ideology. But they’re not Marxist?
BLM Corporate Donors Amazon, Microsoft and Intel are Silent on call to boycott white companies this Christmas
  • In June 2020, Amazon donated $10million to social justice causes including the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation

Companies that donated to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Global Network Foundation - including Amazon, Intel and Microsoft - have yet to weigh in on the movement’s call to boycott white companies this Christmas, despite the group profiting from corporate donations.

The organization on Instagram urged its supporters to participate in ‘Black Xmas’ by buying ‘exclusively from Black-owned businesses’ through January 1.

In June 2020, Amazon said it donated $10 million to social justice causes including the ACLU Foundation, BLM, Brennan Center for Justice, the Equal Justice Initiative and more.

Microsoft around the same time donated $250,000 to BLM as part of a $1.5 million effort to address racial inequity.

Also during spring 2020, then-Intel chief executive Bob Swan said the company would pledge $1 million toward addressing social justice and racism.



Other companies that have donated to racial equality efforts include Home Depot, Apple, Facebook and more.

BLM corporate donors Amazon and Microsoft silent on call to boycott white companies this Christmas | Daily Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: 'I thought they were going to kill my daughter': NY mom-of-three reveals why she's risking seven-year sentence at trial rather than taking a plea for mowing down 50 BLM protesters when they mobbed her car

  • She claimed she feared the protesters were going to pull her daughter out of the car, and hit the gas, slamming into a group of 50 Black Lives Matter protesters and injuring nine last December
  • Casillo has since been branded as a racist, her family says, a narrative that she denies, claiming she doesn't even know the races of the people she hit
  • She has since been getting death threats, her family claims, and had to have a police presence outside her Howard Beach, Queens home for a week afterwards
A white New York City mother said she feared for her daughter's life as a group of protesters started attacking her car and decided to hit the gas, eventually plowing into a group of activists last year.

Kathleen Casillo, 53, a retired FedEx worker of over 20 years, faces seven years in prison after turning down a six-day community service and one year license suspension plea deal on Wednesday, for the collision in which nine activists were injured.

Casillo, of Howard Beach, Queens, had been going Christmas shopping with her then 29-year-old daughter, Dominique, on December 11, 2020, when she says a group of protesters started banging on her car and breaking her daughter's window at the intersection of 39th Street and Third Avenue.

Damage to the 2019 black BMW sedan is clearly visible in photos from the incident.

She said she turned down the plea deal because she did not do anything wrong, saying: 'I'm going to court to clear my name because I'm not guilty.'

'I feel sick,' she continued, noting: 'I never intended on hurting anyone. I just feared for my daughter's life more than anybody. I thought they were going to pull her out of the car.

Cops have been forced to guard Casillo's home over death threats sent to her and her family, her daughter Dominique said.

NYC mother of three 'feared for daughter's life' when she plowed into protesters last year | Daily Mail Online
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