Marxist Black Lives Matter

sounds familiar 🤔🤔
I’m getting impatient with incompetent overreaching government.
Any man with half a brain would know the outcome of an unconstitutional mandate. It would equal lost jobs, a serious slow in production of essential goods and a considerable decline in distribution. Therefore seriously hampering the flow of America. Biden IS Soros.
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Any man with half a brain would know the outcome of an unconstitutional mandate. It would equal lost jobs, a serious slow in production of essential goods and a considerable decline in distribution. Therefore seriously hampering the flow of America. Biden IS Soros.
I’ve always thought it strange how every democrat knows who the Koch brothers are but have never heard of Soros.
Any man with half a brain would know the outcome of an unconstitutional mandate. It would equal lost jobs, a serious slow in production of essential goods and a considerable decline in distribution. Therefore seriously hampering the flow of America. Biden IS Soros.
Well I have to say he’s done a good job with the agenda. The Norfolk yard is at record level of containers so much so they are stocking them up to 2 miles away from the port and record low numbers of trucks to pick up. Almost like mayor Pete has no clue what he’s doing and neither does anyone else in this administration or it’s intentional.
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Well I have to say he’s done a good job with the agenda. The Norfolk yard is at record level of containers so much so they are stocking them up to 2 miles away from the port and record low numbers of trucks to pick up. Almost like mayor Pete has no clue what he’s doing and neither does anyone else in this administration or it’s intentional.
Being mayor of a small city is such a great qualifier for being in charge of one of the largest, most complex logistics systems on the planet.
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Well I have to say he’s done a good job with the agenda. The Norfolk yard is at record level of containers so much so they are stocking them up to 2 miles away from the port and record low numbers of trucks to pick up. Almost like mayor Pete has no clue what he’s doing and neither does anyone else in this administration or it’s intentional.
That’s my point. His agenda is as obvious as Soros. He wants to destroy America just as bad and WE (the people) are his biggest obstacle. So he’s gotta make us dependent on government and disarm us before we can be controlled. That’s why Covid became a bigger issue than it is and numbers were inflated. To scare us into submission. That’s why hes made the hardest press for guns than any president in history within his first two years. Because this year the house and senate should go republican so democrats had to try to strike while the iron was hot. If he were able to get the guns from us like he tried so hard to do, we would be in a WORLD of chit now unlike anything we could imagine.
Being mayor of a small city is such a great qualifier for being in charge of one of the largest, most complex logistics systems on the planet.
The largest economy on the planet Is depending on an unprepared unqualified cabinet member. Pete got quite the promotion for pulling out and supporting Biden.
BTW, South Bend became a den of shininess in the middle by Norte Dame and the river, the rest is a dumpster fire of crime and poverty. The level one trauma center is often filled with gunshot victims. The roads are pathetic and in need of repair.
DA969BE3-C5E1-4472-95BA-8418800CE84A.pngPete was elected mayor in 2012, it was nothing but up in crime statistics since then. Rhodes scholars are great huh?
That’s my point. His agenda is as obvious as Soros. He wants to destroy America just as bad and WE (the people) are his biggest obstacle. So he’s gotta make us dependent on government and disarm us before we can be controlled. That’s why Covid became a bigger issue than it is and numbers were inflated. To scare us into submission. That’s why hes made the hardest press for guns than any president in history within his first two years. Because this year the house and senate should go republican so democrats had to try to strike while the iron was hot. If he were able to get the guns from us like he tried so hard to do, we would be in a WORLD of chit now unlike anything we could imagine.
We would be Australia.
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BLM's Millions Unaccounted For After Leaders Quietly Jumped Ship

by Andrew Kerr, Investigative Reporter |
| January 27, 2022 03:56 PM

No one appears to have been in charge at Black Lives Matter for months. The address it lists on tax forms is wrong, and the charity's two board members won't say who controls its $60 million bankroll, a Washington Examiner investigation has found.

BLM's shocking lack of transparency surrounding its finances and operations raises major legal and ethical red flags, multiple charity experts told the Washington Examiner.

"Like a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction," CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron said of BLM.

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors appointed two activists to serve as the group's senior directors following her resignation in May amid scrutiny over her personal finances. But both quietly announced in September that they never took the jobs due to disagreements with BLM. They told the Washington Examiner they don't know who now leads the nation's most influential social justice organization.

Paul Kamenar, counsel for conservative watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center, said a full audit and investigation into Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the legal entity that represents the national BLM movement, is warranted.

"This is grossly irregular and improper for a nonprofit with $60 million in its coffers," Kamenar said.

BLM previously came under fire from local black activists after the New York Post reported in April that Cullors, then its executive director, had spent $3.2 million on real estate across the United States. The reports followed BLM's disclosure in February 2021 that it closed out 2020 with $60 million in its bank accounts.

BLM denied allegations that Cullors spent BLM funds on her personal properties. However, BLM and other activist organizations under Cullors's control offered contracts to an art company led by the father of her only child, the Daily Caller reported.

BLM's millions unaccounted for after leaders quietly jumped ship
BLM's Millions Unaccounted For After Leaders Quietly Jumped Ship

by Andrew Kerr, Investigative Reporter |
| January 27, 2022 03:56 PM

No one appears to have been in charge at Black Lives Matter for months. The address it lists on tax forms is wrong, and the charity's two board members won't say who controls its $60 million bankroll, a Washington Examiner investigation has found.

BLM's shocking lack of transparency surrounding its finances and operations raises major legal and ethical red flags, multiple charity experts told the Washington Examiner.

"Like a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction," CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron said of BLM.

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors appointed two activists to serve as the group's senior directors following her resignation in May amid scrutiny over her personal finances. But both quietly announced in September that they never took the jobs due to disagreements with BLM. They told the Washington Examiner they don't know who now leads the nation's most influential social justice organization.

Paul Kamenar, counsel for conservative watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center, said a full audit and investigation into Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the legal entity that represents the national BLM movement, is warranted.

"This is grossly irregular and improper for a nonprofit with $60 million in its coffers," Kamenar said.

BLM previously came under fire from local black activists after the New York Post reported in April that Cullors, then its executive director, had spent $3.2 million on real estate across the United States. The reports followed BLM's disclosure in February 2021 that it closed out 2020 with $60 million in its bank accounts.

BLM denied allegations that Cullors spent BLM funds on her personal properties. However, BLM and other activist organizations under Cullors's control offered contracts to an art company led by the father of her only child, the Daily Caller reported.

BLM's millions unaccounted for after leaders quietly jumped ship
Lol he and his kids probably gave them $ 😂
First - of course I gave them no money. Why would anyone give them money?
That's as stupid as giving Trump money, or Stop the Steal money.....only a moron would.

Second - It's the Washington Examiner so I didn't read it and I'm skeptical.

Third - if they wrongfully took money - arrest them, prosecute them, shame them, and lock them up.
BLM's Millions Unaccounted For After Leaders Quietly Jumped Ship

by Andrew Kerr, Investigative Reporter |
| January 27, 2022 03:56 PM

No one appears to have been in charge at Black Lives Matter for months. The address it lists on tax forms is wrong, and the charity's two board members won't say who controls its $60 million bankroll, a Washington Examiner investigation has found.

BLM's shocking lack of transparency surrounding its finances and operations raises major legal and ethical red flags, multiple charity experts told the Washington Examiner.

"Like a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction," CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron said of BLM.

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors appointed two activists to serve as the group's senior directors following her resignation in May amid scrutiny over her personal finances. But both quietly announced in September that they never took the jobs due to disagreements with BLM. They told the Washington Examiner they don't know who now leads the nation's most influential social justice organization.

Paul Kamenar, counsel for conservative watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center, said a full audit and investigation into Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the legal entity that represents the national BLM movement, is warranted.

"This is grossly irregular and improper for a nonprofit with $60 million in its coffers," Kamenar said.

BLM previously came under fire from local black activists after the New York Post reported in April that Cullors, then its executive director, had spent $3.2 million on real estate across the United States. The reports followed BLM's disclosure in February 2021 that it closed out 2020 with $60 million in its bank accounts.

BLM denied allegations that Cullors spent BLM funds on her personal properties. However, BLM and other activist organizations under Cullors's control offered contracts to an art company led by the father of her only child, the Daily Caller reported.

BLM's millions unaccounted for after leaders quietly jumped ship

Man, I’m just shocked as hell.
When it comes to being imbeciles, being far left or far right makes no differences. Imbeciles are imbeciles.


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