Marxist Black Lives Matter

Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’ Demands U.S. Citizenship for 11 to 22M Illegal Aliens

Seattle, Washington’s, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is demanding that all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States be granted American citizenship using Seattle Police Department funding.

CHAZ, formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists, has released a list of demands that would shift Seattle Police Department funding away from policing resources and towards providing naturalization ceremonies to all illegal aliens.


Seattle 'Autonomous Zone' Demands U.S. Citizenship for All Illegal Aliens
Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’ Demands U.S. Citizenship for 11 to 22M Illegal Aliens

Seattle, Washington’s, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is demanding that all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States be granted American citizenship using Seattle Police Department funding.

CHAZ, formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists, has released a list of demands that would shift Seattle Police Department funding away from policing resources and towards providing naturalization ceremonies to all illegal aliens.

Seattle 'Autonomous Zone' Demands U.S. Citizenship for All Illegal Aliens

You should put a warning label on your posts. Something like "The following horse$hit is from Breitbart..."
Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’ Demands U.S. Citizenship for 11 to 22M Illegal Aliens

Seattle, Washington’s, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is demanding that all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States be granted American citizenship using Seattle Police Department funding.

CHAZ, formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists, has released a list of demands that would shift Seattle Police Department funding away from policing resources and towards providing naturalization ceremonies to all illegal aliens.


Seattle 'Autonomous Zone' Demands U.S. Citizenship for All Illegal Aliens

Or what? They'll keep part of that liberal cesspool? Dammit, what do we do?
He should’ve used a condom so people like you wouldn’t be born. I mean there’s no problem right? Thousands of unborn are killed everyday, where’s the outrage? Instead, criminals killed get more media time.
WTF are you talking about. Did you take your Aricept today?
You should put a warning label on your posts. Something like "The following horse$hit is from Breitbart..."

Watch: BLM Protesters and LGBT Pride Activists Twerk in Front of Police in D.C.

Demonstrators — both Black Lives Matter protesters and LGBT pride activists — congregated outside of Mayor Muriel Bowser’s (D) home in Washington, DC, on Saturday, holding signs, chanting, and twerking in front of cops.

Watch: BLM Protesters, LGBT Pride Twerk in Front of Police in D.C.
Farage Says ‘The Book Burning Has Started’ After Library Vows to ‘Decolonise’ Collection

Nigel Farage has warned that the “book-burning has started” following an announcement from a university library that they intend to “decolonize and diversify” their collection of books to appease the Black Lives Matter movement.

On Friday, the Royal Holloway University of London Library said that, in an effort combat “structural racism” in British society, it will be removing certain titles from their collection, apologising for not taking such actions earlier.

“We’ve taken time to reflect on our role in this and recognize that we must do more to combat systemic racism and support our BME [Black and Minority Ethnic] community. With this in mind, we’ve created a reading list of resources to help you understand the struggle against racism,” the Royal Holloway said.

“But we know there is much more we can do. Going forward we will be sharing details on the steps we are taking to decolonize and diversify our collections, make our services more inclusive and tackle racism and discrimination. Now is the time for real and lasting change,” the library added.

In response to the Library’s censorious actions, Nigel Farage said: “The book burning has started. This fanaticism is very dangerous.”

The move by the Royal Holloway Library comes amidst similar calls to purge statues, books, movies, and television programmes that are deemed offensive to modern left-wing sensibilities.
Farage Says ‘The Book Burning Has Started’ After Library Vows to ‘Decolonise’ Collection

Nigel Farage has warned that the “book-burning has started” following an announcement from a university library that they intend to “decolonize and diversify” their collection of books to appease the Black Lives Matter movement.

On Friday, the Royal Holloway University of London Library said that, in an effort combat “structural racism” in British society, it will be removing certain titles from their collection, apologising for not taking such actions earlier.

“We’ve taken time to reflect on our role in this and recognize that we must do more to combat systemic racism and support our BME [Black and Minority Ethnic] community. With this in mind, we’ve created a reading list of resources to help you understand the struggle against racism,” the Royal Holloway said.

“But we know there is much more we can do. Going forward we will be sharing details on the steps we are taking to decolonize and diversify our collections, make our services more inclusive and tackle racism and discrimination. Now is the time for real and lasting change,” the library added.

In response to the Library’s censorious actions, Nigel Farage said: “The book burning has started. This fanaticism is very dangerous.”

The move by the Royal Holloway Library comes amidst similar calls to purge statues, books, movies, and television programmes that are deemed offensive to modern left-wing sensibilities.
Yep. Nobody saw that coming.
SMH....this world
London: BLM Supporters Mob and Seriously Assault People Suspected of Being ‘Far Right’

Black Lives Matter supporters have seriously assaulted a number of people suspected of being “far-right” in London.


The day’s protests saw Black Lives Matter supporters take to the capital’s streets in reduced numbers after some organisers attempted to call off planned demonstrations, along with counter-protesters including veterans, football fans, and some far-right elements, intending to prevent the vandalisation of historic statues and war memorials which has characterised previous BLM demonstrations.

London: BLM Mob and Brutally Assault Suspected 'Far Right' Protesters
From where in the Bible does it say demons hate the cross?
What an odd question...

It's at the very least a reasonable inference, considering that scripture repeatedly states that Satan and his minions were defeated at and humiliated by the cross.

Colossians 2:13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities[b] and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against *flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the *cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Is it your contention that they love the cross, or are ambivalent about it? You aren't familiar with the 2000 years of theology and Biblical interpretation per the war between God and Satan/the fallen angels, and most specifically the cross as the ultimate fulfillment of the Genesis 3 prophecy that the seed of the woman would crush Satan's head?

Paul heavily alluded to the dislike that demons have for the cross in:

1 Corinthians 2:7 But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. 8 None of the *rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

* Note that Paul had already defined the rulers of this age as non-human spiritual authorities in Ephesians 6.

It was their greatest blunder and the confirmation of the hopelessness of their fight. It is a preview and assurance of their ultimate sentence, the finalization of the crushing blow.
London: BLM Supporters Mob and Seriously Assault People Suspected of Being ‘Far Right’

Black Lives Matter supporters have seriously assaulted a number of people suspected of being “far-right” in London.


The day’s protests saw Black Lives Matter supporters take to the capital’s streets in reduced numbers after some organisers attempted to call off planned demonstrations, along with counter-protesters including veterans, football fans, and some far-right elements, intending to prevent the vandalisation of historic statues and war memorials which has characterised previous BLM demonstrations.

London: BLM Mob and Brutally Assault Suspected 'Far Right' Protesters
It's so funny that they think they're so tough, but mob up to attack one person.
Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’ Demands U.S. Citizenship for 11 to 22M Illegal Aliens

Seattle, Washington’s, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is demanding that all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States be granted American citizenship using Seattle Police Department funding.

CHAZ, formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists, has released a list of demands that would shift Seattle Police Department funding away from policing resources and towards providing naturalization ceremonies to all illegal aliens.


Seattle 'Autonomous Zone' Demands U.S. Citizenship for All Illegal Aliens
it would make more sense if the antifa people would go to a country that is already highly destabilized and make room for these people who have obviously decided that anarchy and/or socialism isn't for them.

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