Marxist Black Lives Matter

Neither of those made a difference. If your point is idiotic liberals and mob violence has always existed then you’re right. It’s arguable those protests were for legit causes but it’s not arguable that the ones we’re seeing now are not. What we’re seeing now is a sad representation of what the future holds. These protests are mainly racists with pent up resentment and want something for nothing. The sheep that go along are just idiots.

Really? Neither made a difference? Either you forgot your American history or you never knew any.
Dont you get tired of playing dumb? Or are you really clueless?

The POINT is without exaggeration 1000 blacks will be murdered by other blacks this year....JUST IN CHICAGO ...many of which are small kids. The shootings will be 5x that....

But they riot...loot...burn...destroy etc while there was a grand total of 10 UNARMED BLACKS shot last year in this entire COUNTRY of 330 million people....oh, and more than half of those 10 were ruled good shoots because despite not having a firearm, the guy was beating the Hell out of a cop, or grabbed a cops gun, etc.

The point is the hypocrisy, dishonesty, intentional ignoring of facts, and the issue that NONE OF THE BLM PEOPle ever give a damn or say anything when these kids are slaughtered every weekend.

Nearly EVERY single poster here in the PF is pro police reform and accountability....but THAT isnt what is going on. What is going on is beating, murdering, cancelling etc of all whites who are said to be well as any blacks that do not bend the knee to this garbage Marxist movement .

It is all complete bullsheit and YOU KNOW IT. If they really gave a damn about black lives, they would be FAR MORE concerned about the 1000 blacks that will be murdered in Chicago this year than the 10 or so killed by cops. This isn't about actual black lives thoigh...its about orange man bad...white man bad...defunding police ..and communism. EVERYTHING I said above is there in plain english on the BLM website. To even attempt to deny it is to be full of sheit. Period . Its THEIR OWN WORDS.

This bullcrap all started about police brutality...allegedly. everyone that I know is anti police brutality.

What it has become is a movement, hijacked by an openly Marxist domestic terror group, Hell bent on defunding police, subverting the nuclear family, funneling MILLIONS in donations to ONLY Dimwit politicians, and destroying our capitalist society THROUGH the socialist Dimwits with the end goal of communism in the USA.

Everything I just said is posted on the front page of BLM. Website ....every bit.

If you support this garbage domestic terrorist organization then you are an anti American piece of sheit . Period .

Ignorance to what the BLM is about is not a defense. In an age where EVERYONE has the internet in their palm of their is not UNREASONABLE to expect people to actually GOOGLE BLM and go to their website BEFORE going to join the movement and protest, riot, loot, burn, destroy , and murder innocents.

BLM is a damn disgrace...and there are many black folks who know this. The intelligent ones. The ones who actually read and think for themselves.

The rest of the folks who support BLM...a multitude of whites and blacks that make up still only a very small % of the population...are complete morons and deserve what they reap from acting in ignorance or terrorism.

Never been more proud of a post! Only one like that I can give does not seem deserving enough.
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They are undeniably scum. be it hood thug, trailer park trash, or country boy red neck.

trailer park trash? country boy red neck?
That is usually not a comparison to a thug, especially country boy redneck. Both is usually considered to be a white guy.
This article is about black on black crime.
You should interview for a job as CNN broadcaster.
Top cop in NYC attacked on Brooklyn Bridge while making arrest. Looks like he was hit with a stick. Lawlessness is being promoted by the highest levels of NY leadership.
The funny thing is none of those local punks came to the BLM protest here in Knoxville where they live because actual Black people would be there.

Typical punk coward racists.

Look at these fine specimens. Why do the white supremacists and racists always look slow and inbred? I guess they need racism to feel better about their crappy life.

I have a feeling that on a scale of zero to racist that those in-bred looking rednecks and yourself would score the same.
Nine arrested at Rogersville BLM protest for disorderly conduct appear in court

Eight of the nine people arrested during Saturday’s Black Lives Matter protest in Rogersville were identified by police as members of a non-local white supremacist group who allegedly attempted to agitate other peaceful protesters by yelling profanity and racial slurs.

Those eight defendants are Craig Briggs Spaulding, 33, of Knoxville; Caleb Dane Rose, 21, of Knoxville; Adam Lawrence Rice, 24, of Maryville; Cory Smith, 25, of Knoxville; Stephen Parker Smith, 27, of Louisville, Tenn.; Garon Joseph Archer, 25, of Johnson City; Sean Camron Kauffmann, 26, of Vail, Ariz.; and Joshua Blakeney, 20, of Morristown.
I've been to Rogersville, these guys look like 1%'s to me for that neighborhood. I had to edit that #5 wins a prize as does #8 and #9 for being excessively redneck.
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George Soros and his open society networks have funded numerous color revolutions around the world to topple conservative governments. They are always disguised as pro-western support for the OPPRESSED people of countries like Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgystan, etc,...helping them move further away from the ever present “boogeyman” Russia and into the cesspool of immigration, IMF debt and loss of all sovereignty western world that truly exist...both politically and economically. But, with the help of CONTROLLED media...most people, most Americans don’t question it. It’s past time people quit buying anything the mainstream media sells...its garbage!

Soros is just one piece of the Globalist, Marxist, Bankster-molded enslavement of all faux-free people of the world...a piece of filth!

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