May I add some reality to our situation?

I think most of us were mentally prepared to lose today, but the reality of seeing it in action still hurts. Analagous to a loved-one passing away after a long illness. Knew it was coming but still hurts.

Well, not to THAT extent, but your point is taken.
Somebody posted in another thread "why are we running the read option when the QB never keeps it?" This is a very true statement. We need a QB that can, will, and loves to run the ball. We just saw today what a running QB can do to a defense. Any time Their QB even moved forward like he was going to run it, our entire team reacted and got out of position. The result was repeatedly getting torched by recievers who didn't have a defender within 15 yards of them.

they should at least have the QB take a couple of runs with the ball,just to make em think UT will try to run it,of course Petermen never tried a run either
I have been a Vol fan for a long time. I just so happen to have been able to see both the good and bad of UT Football

Today was very bad, but I can't blame Butch just yet

Since 2007, our recruiting has killed us. In 2009, Kiffin had to start two walkons on the Offensive line. Since 2007, our team speed went from being tops in the SEC, to being one of the worst, all because of recruiting.

Since 2009, our attrition has also killed us. We have had some very talented players transfer, quit, or just not pan out.

On top of that, since 2008, we have been through 4 head coaches, 5 defensive coordinators and their defensive philosophies, 3 Offensive coordinates and 3 different schemes.

On top of all of that, we have had injuries to key players at inopportune times. Couple that with our never ending depth issues, it has added to the misery

Now looking to next year, it could be even worse. We could lose all 5 starters on the offensive line. We will have an untested offensive line, still be unsure at QB, new starting RB, and still young Wrs. A majority of starters on the D line and Lbs will be gone and not many hopefuls to take their place. Our secondary will be comprised of mostly sophomores and freshmen.

I know this doesn't sound promising and its not. Next year could be the worst season in a long time

But there is a bright side. Our recruiting has picked up considerably. We have recruited best since the early 2000's. We will need this several years in a row to get our depth and talent where it needs to be to compete with the best in the country. We must be able to maintain so sort of consistency in the coaching staff and schemes in order for it to become second nature to these players.

Our coaching as improved drastically. I know it doesn't appear that way, but it has. Our lack of talent and depth is masking the improvements made just in the last 11 months.

Foremost, we must be patient and support the team. They don't need us to give up on them. We need to gut it out, because its going to get better. Its just going to take a little more time. I too, am tired of waiting for the return to glory. But my gloating, crying, *****ing, and moaning is not going to help the situation

Anyway, that's my two cents. It may not be what you want to hear, but its the reality we find ourselves in

Go Vols!!

Hammer away.

count spilled the harsh painful truth that is TN it love it peeps
Team's having a hard enough time learning the basic package without making drastic changes week to week. Gotta stick with it. This game was going to be a loss, because Oregon has for the most part, stuck to an organized system for at least eight to ten years. Butch Jones and company have had 9 months to implement a system that takes a couple of years of consistency to become effective. Our day will come. It just wasn't today.

I agree with you . Like I said ...hind site is 20/20. This will all take time , including our depth issues that were exposed today . I believe our success or failure come down to executing the passing game . We do that , the running game opens up , the defense is off the field more than on it . Not sure if Worley is the guy or if it will come down to one of the other kids.
Now we know where we really are. We suck bad. Hopefully they actually improve this year unlike under Dooley. Hopefully Butch continues to recruit well and get his type of players on board. Hopefully once he does, it is enough to compete and win SEC championships. I got to think he will succeed just by looking at the talent we have coming in next year.

His players or not... We didnt do anything positive... There is not one positive to this game. Our offense is as slow as miss st.... And thats bad...
lets face it vol fans...we are the worst team in the SEC..why? Because of Kiffin that is why..I hope that bastard gets his desserts this season..Lane Kiffin is the single most reason we are at the bottom of college football right now...we are still suffering from him as coach and i personally cannot wait till his crash and burn
lets face it vol fans...we are the worst team in the SEC..why? Because of Kiffin that is why..I hope that bastard gets his desserts this season..Lane Kiffin is the single most reason we are at the bottom of college football right now...we are still suffering from him as coach and i personally cannot wait till his crash and burn

Fulmer sucked for a long time ... It is what is is... But our coaches tonite sucked also...
fulmer did not suck for a long time old are ya?

2 bad years and he was let go,he did kick Bamas ass for many a year and for those that say the SEC wasn't as strong then,all i have to say,it was because CPF and CSS kicked there asses :hi:
fulmer did not suck for a long time old are ya?

41, and vfl... And his demise started firing chief, chief.. when were we good, really good under Fulmer? 03, 04? Earlier? we backed into sec championship in 07... If you dont know this its not worth my time...
Agree with most of the OP's comments. Honestly, I do. Not naive. I know this staff has only had so long. I know some of our recruiting classes have cannibalized themselves. I know we're learning a new system. Yada yada. I know all that has been rightly mentioned on here.

But, man, this game was a kick in the jimmy.

I was a little disappointed in the postgame conferences. Not sure if it's because the media is not savvy enough with the strategies of the game to ask more insightful questions, but no on really asked about anything it seemed should be inquired about regarding much of what we saw out there. Which it seems is either good coaching not being automatic or having sunk in yet...or, worse...coaching that needs improvement. Within "coaching," I include play calling. I really think the coaches need to look at themselves in addition to the players.

-Many have mentioned the read option being run without the option of the QB running. Agree. That is ridiculous.
So much of the offense just looked off:
-No power I. Neal does look hesitant to get to the holes and go N-S like a Tennessee running back should do. I can't say it's time to make Lane the starter, but it just doesn't seem like they're calling those runs or formations.
-Very abnormal passing plays. People can bust on Worley; he wasn't good today, so that's fine, but I just wonder what was going on out there. Routes just seemed off. I'm not sure if receivers weren't running the right depth or timing of routes. There wasn't much in the way of back shoulder throws or sideline stop turnaround, catch the ball routes, which can be easy ways to pick up chunks of yardage. Was this gameplan? Was this a deterioration of the gameplan? Or, were they running the right routes and depths, it was just poor play calling? Man, I wish they asked stuff like that.
-On the D side, what can you say? Eye discipline was poor, there was overcommitments to the RB when Mariota just kept the ball, so the DB should have just stayed home and waited for the decision what to do with the ball, blown coverages galore (their TE's and WR's looked like they were catching the ball in the infield with our defense in the outfield), angle issues, tackling issues. One has to hope that they were just executing the plays wrong, and that can be improved, and it's not the case that the defensive coaching and playcalling is just that bad.
-No turnovers were caused. Really needed a couple of those.

Ugh. I know I'm sort of ranting like most of us today, and we should probably just stop it. But, so much just looked so off (jobs, positions, techniques, executions, routes, playcalling, schemes, strategies, etc) that I have a hard time dissecting if it was execution (as in, if they had executed good calls better, we would have done significantly better in the game), coaching/playcalling issues (just need to learn the team better, learn how to maximize each players strengths, and put them in situations where they can succeed). long-term coaching issues (ie, the system, gameplanning, playcalling; coaches need to improve themselves), or we are just that thin and untalented (thin is buyable, but untalented is hard to say that, since a decent portion of the guys we have out there are 4* recruits).

I thought with the new regime, maybe we'd compete and make it respectable. But, man, we just looked SO unprepared and uncoached. Here's to really hoping that today was just a perfect storm of badness, and this team and coaching staff will learn from it, put it in the rearview mirror, and improve over the course of the year unlike in years past.

Shoot, tough pill to take, though.
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A couple more good recruiting classes like we have this yr and we will be in good shape. I just hope we can hold on to the kids we got committed now. I just hope this loss doesn't reflect on what butch and his staff are tryin to do. And the commits realize they are the beginning of something special getting our program back to competing for sec championships and national championships. GO VOLS
41, and vfl... And his demise started firing chief, chief.. when were we good, really good under Fulmer? 03, 04? Earlier? we backed into sec championship in 07... If you dont know this its not worth my time...

well, I wasn't defending Fulmer at all..was voicing my hatred of Kiffin and my joy when he gets run from his "dream job" in LA
my original point was and is that Kiffin pretty much destroyed our program when he deserted our program and I hate him for that
CountVolcula said:
May I add some reality to our situation?

Nope. It's not allowed around here. If you're not ready to burn mattresses, or if you're not on the "revoke Worley's scholly" train, your opinion doesn't seem to matter.

(side note: awesome post, gave it a like, and I'm clapping inside my head because the people at my work would look at me funny if I did it out loud.*)

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