At 245am when he ran from the NE reporters and hid in a hotel restroom. However, more mainstream media outlets like the NYT refused to cover the story until it became obvious that the NE was correct. They refused to cover for so long because Edwards was thought to be on the list of potential VP candidates.
Look I'm not one to defend the mainstream media, but are you saying they should have covered the story
before it was "obvious that the NE was correct?" Because, it only became "obvious" that the NE story was correct after Edwards publicly admitted it. Before that, there was no story -- only innuendo. You see, unless and until it can be independently verified, no respectable news org should be running such a story. As it turns out, none did. Now they're all running it. Yay, Edwards is a hypocrite. He's a lying adulterer. Yay, we win!! Except, what did we win exactly? Nothing.
In fact, it's now more likely that the same press that you say was unwilling to cover Edwards is now going to turn around and no go after John McCain. After all, (they'll say) he too admitted to having an affair, and he is after all running for president, etc, etc.. Now, all of a sudden, the heat is on our candidate -- for something he's already openly admitted doing, but that won't matter to these press jackals. They'll go after him looking for something more recent-- and they'll go after Obama, too -- but the problem is, they don't have anything on Obama (that we know of), but they have already shown that they might have something on McCain.
Of course, you may argue, it's not fair, or it's not the same as Edwards, or the NYT is trying to help Obama, but none of that matters in the real world. What matters is: will this harping on Edwards help John McCain beat Barack Obama, or is it just a stupid sideshow that will eventually backfire in our faces?