There have been plenty of VP's with pretty thin resumes. John Edwards comes to mind as the most recent example and his resume is much thinner than Palin's.
I'm all for vetting Palin as well, what I don't like seeing is a media just making things up.
I'm much more concerned with how on earth she might help if we get someone of Obama inexperience elected. She has to be able to provide some exec level insight for him somehow. Otherwise, he's going to go back to listening to idiots like Wright and Ayers.I don't think that having reservations about someone with her level of experience potentially becoming 2nd in command of our country (and potentially becoming 1st in command) is hilarious at all. And it's not just "the media and the left" - it's anyone who is genuinely concerned about the future of the country.
I say the media should vet the hell out of her. We have the right to have at least some expectation of what she might do should McCain win and die in office.
Could they also shine the spotlight on the guy running for POTUS?
They have - and Obama has made himself available, from everything from Inside Edition to the New Yorker to freaking Bill O'Reilly. Do Jeremiah Wright, Rezko, flag pins, terrorist fist bumps, Weather Underground ring a bell?
It's time for Palin to face the music before she faces Putin and company.
I'm much more concerned with how on earth she might help if we get someone of Obama inexperience elected. She has to be able to provide some exec level insight for him somehow. Otherwise, he's going to go back to listening to idiots like Wright and Ayers.
you can't seriously believe that he's totally removed those folks from his circle? Every candidate of every ilk does things at campaign time that are only temporary and politically expedient. Especially shifts toward the center and banishment of radical types.honestly? tell me honestly - do you really think this will happen? How often has he spoken to Wright and Ayers in, say, the past 6 months? They were nothing more -- nothing more -- than stepping stones on his way to something bigger.
Obama going on BOR would be like Palin going on the Ed Schultz show - yep, she probably will do that. Probably has the guts for that type of "interview."
I'm not going to take anything the NYT prints seriously, especially anything by Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich.
as far as making things up, here you go.
CNN Conjures Up Palin Travel 'Scandal' That Never Was |
you can't seriously believe that he's totally removed those folks from his circle? Every candidate of every ilk does things at campaign time that are only temporary and politically expedient. Especially shifts toward the center and banishment of radical types.
I don't give a $hit about travel expenses. I do care if she has one lick of foreign policy experience.
Did you even click on the link to the NYT story? It was written by By JO BECKER, PETER S. GOODMAN and MICHAEL POWELL. But it's intellectually easier to simply dismiss something as "liberal bias" and not read something that might disrupt your glowing thoughts of our veep to be.
yeah, I clicked on it. Seems to be a 6 page hit piece without any regard for finding out the other side of the story.