Media Wars

You rightist bless: Gab, QAnon, Breitbart News, NewsMax and One America News, right? All bluntly biased, fake news, and thrice as bad as they accurse mainstream news outlets.
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You rightist bless: Gab, QAnon, Breitbart News, NewsMax and One America News, right? All bluntly biased, fake news, and thrice as bad as they accurse mainstream news outlets.
Trigger warning. Apparently, it doesn’t take much to trigger the loons when new ratings come out.
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This is the paragraph that really struck me:

Later in the meeting, another reporter asked Lewis whether “any women or people of color were interviewed and seriously considered for either of these positions,” a question that prompted applause. Lewis said there will be “significant opportunities” within the new organizational structure. Asked by another staffer about which people he met with, Lewis said, “It was an iterative, messy process, which I don’t want to go into the details of.”

Here these employees are being told that their paper is in trouble and losing readers and they respond with this comment about diversity hiring. That is the problem with woke culture in a nutshell
No need to hide any bias now. What the communist democrat party and their followers don't realize is they have cried wolf so many times that only the morons and TDS cultist believe the MSM.


"Additional special guests will include Alex Jones, Charlie Kirk, Megyn Kelly, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kid Rock, Roseanne, Vivek Ramaswamy, Dan Bongino, and Donald Trump Jr."

WTF Tucker? Alex Jones?

So the same CNN behind most of this….

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You rightist bless: Gab, QAnon, Breitbart News, NewsMax and One America News, right? All bluntly biased, fake news, and thrice as bad as they accurse mainstream news outlets.

Exactly. Fourth-rate hack networks for America's nitwits--the sodbusters---people too dumb to separate fact from fiction. That's the essence of it. That's why they support the gangster--a man who spews transparent bull$hit 24/7 because he knows he can con the low-information Earls with all his nonsense.
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Exactly. Fourth-rate hack networks for America's nitwits--the sodbusters---people too dumb to separate fact from fiction. That's the essence of it. That's why they support the gangster--a man who spews transparent bull$hit 24/7 because he knows he can con the low-information Earls with all his nonsense.

Umm, you do understand that without those "sodbusters" you would have starved to death.

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