Media Wars

I cannot possibly believe that you think you can hang the border problem on Trump before Biden. You cannot possibly believe that tying Ukraine funding to it was the right thing to do. You cannot possibly believe that the anti-Ukraine GOP members would support it. You cannot possibly believe Biden couldn't have done what he wanted to earlier. Bc he did in January. This is a black eye for this administration. A black eye for the current Dem nominee for POTUS. Either she was lying, or too stupid, to realize it was a problem for three years. This admin lied through its teeth about the border until it could do so no longer. And here you are carrying their water. Independent my ass

I hang it on both political parties. Both, at different times, have thwarted solutions for their own selfish reasons.

Don't know why you guys won't just admit that it's obvious that Trump's blocking moves were for his own political purposes and he sucks just as much as any politician who could have worked to solve it, but instead undermined a solution.
I hang it on both political parties. Both, at different times, have thwarted solutions for their own selfish reasons.

Don't know why you guys won't just admit that it's obvious that Trump's blocking moves were for his own political purposes and he sucks just as much as any politician who could have worked to solve it, but instead undermined a solution.
I don't know why you are silly enough to think there was a shot in hell of anything passing tied to Ukraine spending. Don't know why you can't just admit Biden could have done what he did a long long time ago. Don't know why you can't admit this was a political stunt by the Dems. Not even a clever one. Claim to want to pass border stability, attach poison pill of ukraines spending, and then cry foul. If the Dems and Biden wanted it they would have introduced a stand alone bill. They did not bc they want to play this game. It's obvious and lazy. If they had a stand alone bill then you would have a point. But that's not what happened.
I don't know why you are silly enough to think there was a shot in hell of anything passing tied to Ukraine spending. Don't know why you can't just admit Biden could have done what he did a long long time ago. Don't know why you can't admit this was a political stunt by the Dems. Not even a clever one. Claim to want to pass border stability, attach poison pill of ukraines spending, and then cry foul. If the Dems and Biden wanted it they would have introduced a stand alone bill. They did not bc they want to play this game. It's obvious and lazy. If they had a stand alone bill then you would have a point. But that's not what happened.

If it was a stunt by the Dems why was the Senate GOP prepared to vote for it and negotiated it's components ... until Donnie called up and put the kibosh on it?
If it was a stunt by the Dems why was the Senate GOP prepared to vote for it and negotiated it's components ... until Donnie called up and put the kibosh on it?
If it wasn't a stunt then why did they include Ukraine funding in it?


If Biden and co, after three years of lying and having their head up their ass, didn't they propose a stand alone bill? If it was that important to them. Or is it more likely they wanted to cover on both issues? Stop playing stupid. It makes you look absurdly partisan. And for an Indy oh my gosh.

And why were their GOP folks who supported it? Bc it included massive money for the MIC. Mitch loves that. Why it was a smart move by the Dems. But only if you have your head up your ass.
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The 11 principles of Nazi propaganda created by Goebbels:

1.- Principle of simplification and the single enemy. Adopt a single idea, a single Symbol; Individualize the adversary into a single enemy.

2.- Principle of the contagion method. Gather diverse adversaries into a single category or individual; The adversaries must be made up of an individual sum.

3.- Principle of transposition. Load on the opponent his own errors or defects, responding the attack with the attack. "If you can't deny the bad news, invent others that distract them."

4.- Principle of exaggeration and disfigurement. Turn any anecdote, however small, into a serious threat.

5.- Principle of popularization. “All propaganda must be popular, adapting its level to the least intelligent of the individuals to whom it is directed. The larger the mass to convince, the smaller the mental effort must be made. The receptive capacity of the masses is limited and their understanding poor; in addition, they have great facility to forget ”.

6.- Orchestration principle. "Propaganda must be limited to a small number of ideas and repeated tirelessly, presented over and over from different perspectives but always converging on the same concept. Without fissures or doubts ”. This is also where the famous phrase comes from: "If a lie is repeated enough, it eventually becomes true."

7.- Principle of renewal. New information and arguments must be constantly broadcast at such a rate that when the opponent responds the public is already interested in something else. The adversary's responses must never be able to counter the increasing level of accusations.

8.- Principle of plausibility. Construct arguments from various sources, through so-called balloon probes or fragmentary information.

9.- Principle of silencing. Silencing on issues on which there are no arguments and disguising the news that favors the adversary, also counterprogramming with the help of related media.

10.- Principle of transfusion. As a general rule, propaganda always operates from a pre-existing substrate, be it a national mythology or a complex of traditional hatreds and prejudices; it is about spreading arguments that can take root in primitive attitudes.

11.- Principle of unanimity. To convince many people that they think "like everyone else", creating the impression of unanimity.

Who owns the media?

Megyn Kelly Slams CNN’s Kaitlan Collins as ‘cold-hearted b—h’ who is ‘boring with no personality’​

Megyn Kelly lashed out at CNN primetime anchor Kaitlan Collins as a “cold-hearted b—h” who should “smile” more often because she is “boring with no personality.”

The podcaster lambasted Collins for defending her network as “fair” and one where “both sides can watch” during her appearance on last week’s episode of HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher.

“I will submit to the record, her biggest sin is not that she is biased, though she is. It’s that she’s boring. She’s extremely boring with no personality,” the host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM said Tuesday.

Collins has been criticized for claiming that CNN is “fair” and “watched by both sides.”

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I give you MSNBC. Can’t blame them for hiring believable host to get the message to the simpletons. Ari Melber cut it short when his words was provided and his defamation stance crumbled live. Those monologues of opinions live forever.


Megyn Kelly Slams CNN’s Kaitlan Collins as ‘cold-hearted b—h’ who is ‘boring with no personality’​

Megyn Kelly lashed out at CNN primetime anchor Kaitlan Collins as a “cold-hearted b—h” who should “smile” more often because she is “boring with no personality.”

The podcaster lambasted Collins for defending her network as “fair” and one where “both sides can watch” during her appearance on last week’s episode of HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher.

“I will submit to the record, her biggest sin is not that she is biased, though she is. It’s that she’s boring. She’s extremely boring with no personality,” the host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM said Tuesday.

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Collins has been criticized for claiming that CNN is “fair” and “watched by both sides.”

Never watch her as her small upper lip is a distraction.

Time Cuts 22 Staffers At Magazine, cites ‘significant challenges’ across media industry​

Time is slashing 22 jobs as the volatile media environment continues to squeeze the iconic magazine.

View attachment 669024

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Megyn Kelly Slams CNN’s Kaitlan Collins as ‘cold-hearted b—h’ who is ‘boring with no personality’​

Megyn Kelly lashed out at CNN primetime anchor Kaitlan Collins as a “cold-hearted b—h” who should “smile” more often because she is “boring with no personality.”

The podcaster lambasted Collins for defending her network as “fair” and one where “both sides can watch” during her appearance on last week’s episode of HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher.

“I will submit to the record, her biggest sin is not that she is biased, though she is. It’s that she’s boring. She’s extremely boring with no personality,” the host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM said Tuesday.

View attachment 671212
Collins has been criticized for claiming that CNN is “fair” and “watched by both sides.”

she should be laughed at for claiming CNN is fair. That's truly some funny ish

Time Cuts 22 Staffers At Magazine, cites ‘significant challenges’ across media industry​

Time is slashing 22 jobs as the volatile media environment continues to squeeze the iconic magazine.

View attachment 669024

Report facts and not opinions. Job creations and stability

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