Media Wars

Got momentarily confused with border issue. That one he did kill for his own political purposes. Well documented. Even by GOP
It had a bunch of other garbage in it, too.

@volfanhill has destroyed LG several times on this talking point.

Be specific. What garbage was in it that bothered Trump so much he picked up the phone and ordered GOP Senators to kill it? What garbage was in it that GOP lawmakers negotiated?

Please. GOP Senators are the ones who have disclosed that Trump swooped in last minute and nixed, and why.

THIS CANNOT BE DEBATED. Republicans have disclosed this.
Be specific. What garbage was in it that bothered Trump so much he picked up the phone and ordered GOP Senators to kill it? What garbage was in it that GOP lawmakers negotiated?

Please. GOP Senators are the ones who have disclosed that Trump swooped in last minute and nixed, and why.

THIS CANNOT BE DEBATED. Republicans have disclosed this.
I'm not wasting my time with it. If you don't understand it after the several times volvanHill has pointed it out to you, what hope is there for you now?
I'm not wasting my time with it. If you don't understand it after the several times volvanHill has pointed it out to you, what hope is there for you now?

Do you deny that Trump called more than one GOP Senator and told them to kill it ?
Be specific. What garbage was in it that bothered Trump so much he picked up the phone and ordered GOP Senators to kill it? What garbage was in it that GOP lawmakers negotiated?

Please. GOP Senators are the ones who have disclosed that Trump swooped in last minute and nixed, and why.

THIS CANNOT BE DEBATED. Republicans have disclosed this.
The funding that was included for Ukraine. $60 billion to be exact. For Ukraine and Ukraine related issues. You know shat Trumps against. It was never a stand alone bill. On purpose by the Dems. For this reason. You poison pilled the damn bill.

Now let's look at Dems on the border. The current nominee for POTUS spent damn near 3 years claiming it wasn't broken and is secure? Was she FOS then or now? Were you FOS then or now?

Now in January Biden took action to secure the border. By executive order. He could have done this for years. Why did he wait?

The good news is you have the red shoes. If you can find a red nose the outfit is complete.
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The funding that was included for Ukraine. You know shat Trumps against. It was never a stand alone bill. On purpose by the Dems. For this reason. You poison pilled the damn bill.

Now let's look at Dems on the border. The current nominee for POTUS spent damn near 3 years claiming it wasn't broken and is secure? Was she FOS then or now? Were you FOS then or now?

Now in January Biden took action to secure the border. By executive order. He could have done this for years. Why did he wait?

The good news is you have the red shoes. If you can find a red nose the outfit is complete.
I'm guessing he isn't going to respond.
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The funding that was included for Ukraine. $60 billion to be exact. For Ukraine and Ukraine related issues. You know shat Trumps against. It was never a stand alone bill. On purpose by the Dems. For this reason. You poison pilled the damn bill.

Now let's look at Dems on the border. The current nominee for POTUS spent damn near 3 years claiming it wasn't broken and is secure? Was she FOS then or now? Were you FOS then or now?

Now in January Biden took action to secure the border. By executive order. He could have done this for years. Why did he wait?

The good news is you have the red shoes. If you can find a red nose the outfit is complete.

You think Trump called them to kill that bill because of Ukraine funding ???????

You cannot possibly believe that.
You think Trump called them to kill that bill because of Ukraine funding ???????

You cannot possibly believe that.
I cannot possibly believe that you think you can hang the border problem on Trump before Biden. You cannot possibly believe that tying Ukraine funding to it was the right thing to do. You cannot possibly believe that the anti-Ukraine GOP members would support it. You cannot possibly believe Biden couldn't have done what he wanted to earlier. Bc he did in January. This is a black eye for this administration. A black eye for the current Dem nominee for POTUS. Either she was lying, or too stupid, to realize it was a problem for three years. This admin lied through its teeth about the border until it could do so no longer. And here you are carrying their water. Independent my ass

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