Your thoughts on an issue that is becoming a topic in sports medicine? Medical Marijuana and Football - Americans for Safe Access
Medical Marijuana and Football
Works Even When Opiates Don't
The great utility of medical cannabis is, in part, the remarkable safety of the medicine and lack of serious side effects; the other is the unique breadth of its therapeutic actions. Because it is simultaneously a pain killer, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective agent, a single dose of cannabis can replace a handful of pharmaceuticals.
For muscloskeletal injuries, medical cannabis works as well as codeine and other opiates. It also has a synergistic effect that makes smaller doses of opiates more effective, lessening the chance of side effects and addiction.
Using medical cannabis to lower doses or substitute for opiate painkillers can help reduce the misuse that leaves former players addicted at four-times the rate of non-players. For the difficult-to-treat neuropathic pain that can result from tissue and spinal injuries, low doses of medical cannabis have been shown to work when even handfuls of Vicodin wont.
In January, HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" reported that an estimated 50-60 percent of NFL players regularly use marijuana, many for pain management.
Who We Are
ASA has been educating the public on the therapeutic effects of marijuana use for chronic pain, neurological and other serious conditions for more than 10 years. Leafly is the world's largest resource for information on cannabis, including medical marijuana news, and ratings and reviews for hundreds of plant strains, products, and licensed distributors across the country.
Medical Marijuana and Football
Works Even When Opiates Don't
The great utility of medical cannabis is, in part, the remarkable safety of the medicine and lack of serious side effects; the other is the unique breadth of its therapeutic actions. Because it is simultaneously a pain killer, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective agent, a single dose of cannabis can replace a handful of pharmaceuticals.
For muscloskeletal injuries, medical cannabis works as well as codeine and other opiates. It also has a synergistic effect that makes smaller doses of opiates more effective, lessening the chance of side effects and addiction.
Using medical cannabis to lower doses or substitute for opiate painkillers can help reduce the misuse that leaves former players addicted at four-times the rate of non-players. For the difficult-to-treat neuropathic pain that can result from tissue and spinal injuries, low doses of medical cannabis have been shown to work when even handfuls of Vicodin wont.
In January, HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" reported that an estimated 50-60 percent of NFL players regularly use marijuana, many for pain management.
Who We Are
ASA has been educating the public on the therapeutic effects of marijuana use for chronic pain, neurological and other serious conditions for more than 10 years. Leafly is the world's largest resource for information on cannabis, including medical marijuana news, and ratings and reviews for hundreds of plant strains, products, and licensed distributors across the country.