Meet the team at the arena / Pics & Vids

It was complete chaos. I feel like I've been beat up after being in that group. :lol:
well it was awesome...I won't bother uploading my pics and videos b/c you can barely tell what's happening. It was pretty crazy though. Cops put up barriers that lasted all but 2 seconds. And we all rushed the bus. Bruce was hilarious...he was surrounded by tons of people wanting autographs so I went up there and he signed my hoodie. I was like dude I don't care what you sign just sign something. And he had been there for a long long time signing autographs and he was like guys I have to go pick up my kids, I have them for the weekend. He finally got out.
All the Smiths must've ran off b/c I didn't see any of them. Duke was running around and jumping up and down and going crazy. Childress was around somewhere idk. Lofton and JP looked like they had both just woken up. Chris just chilled while people took his pic and signed some autographs. I was there for him to sign my hoodie but he didn't have an f'in sharpie and he left shortly after. J.P took a bunch of pics and such. It was all pretty awesome. The UT Police were completely useless through the whole process but the fans were very considerate.
Anyway, Mike's video basically covers everything that happened pretty well. It was a pretty awesome experience. Also a note, somebody had a dog with a sweater on right next to me and had Bruce sign was pretty freaking hilarious.
Haha I screamed out "BRUCE what is Calipari thinking?"

He responded, "THEY SURE KICKED OUR ASS!" and the crowd went crazy.

I effing love Bruce Pearl and this Tennessee Basketball program.
Haha and Duke totally ripped down the UTPD barrier and started yelling "#1 Yeah!" and everyone mobbed the team. It was "Awesome Baby!"
UTPD put up caution tape everywhere and we just ran around it. It was so pointless. Also I'm the tall guy in the gray hoodie and orange tobogan in Mike's 1st and 5th pics :rock:
Well, here are the very few pictures that turned out for me. Nothing spectacular since I was out of position followed by the death of my camera battery when I was actually close enough to get some good ones of Pearl and the players. So goes life I guess..

Waiting in the freezing cold


Still waiting


The bus finally arrives carrying the #1 team in the nation.


The Bruce is loose!


The last pic of Chism before my camera battery died :no: I think that's why it's so blue.


I also have a small video of Pearl standing above the crowd giving the :number1: but it's similar to the youtube vid posted earlier..
Thanks guys! Just freaking awesome! Great fan support here on Volnation. Great to be a small part of it!
Reading this thread give's me goosebumps, knowing some of you were in that atmosphere in the early morning hours. It looked insane, thanks for the pictures Mike and OWB what a sport driving up from Virginia to welcome the team, you are a true fan. It feels great to be a Tennessee Vol.
Reading this thread give's me goosebumps, knowing some of you were in that atmosphere in the early morning hours. It looked insane, thanks for the pictures Mike and OWB what a sport driving up from Virginia to welcome the team, you are a true fan. It feels great to be a Tennessee Vol.
I just wanted to be a small part of history. :salute:
Oh geez, it's not like they won the national title or something..They will be #1 but they need to stay focused on a very dangerous schedule left...Vandy would love nothing more than to knock us off after this win...Need to get our heads out of the clouds and get back to work....Save the parades and stuff for when we win the big one.
Oh geez, it's not like they won the national title or something..They will be #1 but they need to stay focused on a very dangerous schedule left...Vandy would love nothing more than to knock us off after this win...Need to get our heads out of the clouds and get back to work....Save the parades and stuff for when we win the big one.

This is the first time in the history of UT basketball that we are ranked number 1... we mite not have won the NCAA but this is a big accomplishment in such a short period by BRUCE and the vols... its worth the hype and the fun:rock:
I understand that...And I am as happy as the next guy....But there are bigger fish to fry...the SEC title, The SEC tournament title...Do I dare say it?..The NCAA title...I just don't want to see them go overboard is all
Oh geez, it's not like they won the national title or something..They will be #1 but they need to stay focused on a very dangerous schedule left...Vandy would love nothing more than to knock us off after this win...Need to get our heads out of the clouds and get back to work....Save the parades and stuff for when we win the big one.
Thanks for your post. Without it, I probably would have just gone through the motions this week instead of preparing for the Vandy game. Whew, that was close.

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