I've had far worse done to me when I've set screens. There's a reason they teach you to protect your jewels. Players are coached to blow up a screen and when your as short as Melvin and Cousins is as tall as he is your bound to blow it up pretty low. However, Melvin was nowhere close to his balls and if he was Cousins is the one who has problems, not Melvin.
As much as it disgusts me. I said the same thing. Wall or Patterson I'd take. Cousins is a head case. No thanks. Could you imagine telling him he has to come off the bench? Or even worse. Watch him shoot free throws.
Patterson is probably the most likely to land in Memphis. The odds are not good of them landing a top 2-3 pick with their record. Hopefully they make the playoffs but if they don't than one of the UK players would be fine by me if my Grizzlies drafted them.