Met a former player... (Lengthy)

The post doesn't say anything that hasn't been said here already. Indeed parts of it reads as if being copied from previous posts including the part about Kiffin would have had us competing for championships. Dooley having not football knowledge is an exaggeration. His fault was being lousy at personnel management and as a motivator.

Really? I didn't post to prove anything. I enjoy keeping up with all things TN when I can. I have a life outside of this forum. So, actually wasting the time to search out posts in order to copy and paste is a stupid assumption on your part. I was relaying a conversation not trying to break news.
Just because a player says that, does not mean it is right. What I mean it is about perception. You talk to any factory worker and they pretty much will throw plant management under the bus. If they like management too much, than that does not mean the plant runs good. Just because this guy say Kiffin was the man, does not mean they would have won. As far as Dooley, I could see some of it, but remember something a lot of players do not love their coach and that team wins. Dooley's did not and it is not soley because the players did not like him. Players have a perception of reality too and a lot of times they are not mature enough to understand everything that is going on, having said that I do believe Dooley was a train wreck.
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Just another poster that wanted Fulmer gone, had a woody for kiffin and hated Dooley.

Reading is fundamental. Grew up in the 90's loving Fulmer. Believed he was a GREAT Vol that lost his fire and should've been given the year to finish instead of being tossed out

The former player NOT ME, had some insight on Kiffin that many may not have known-he was football smart yet people stupid. You apparently didn't read through the thread to see what I thought about him.

I wanted to believe in Dooley because he appeared to know what he was doing and came from good pedigree. I was wrong.

So how you came to your conclusion about my post is beyond me.
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Really? I didn't post to prove anything. I enjoy keeping up with all things TN when I can. I have a life outside of this forum. So, actually wasting the time to search out posts in order to copy and paste is a stupid assumption on your part. I was relaying a conversation not trying to break news.

And it was legal for me to give my opinion of your post.
So yes, really.
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Reading is fundamental. Grew up in the 90's loving Fulmer. Believed he was a GREAT Vol that lost his fire and should've been given the year to finish instead of being tossed out

The former player NOT ME, had some insight on Kiffin that many may not have known-he was football smart yet people stupid. You apparently didn't read through the thread to see what I thought about him.

I wanted to believe in Dooley because he appeared to know what he was doing and came from good pedigree. I was wrong.

So how you came to your conclusion about my post is beyond me.

Because I have read hundreds just like this.
Like you, I wonder how he could grow up with a father who is a well respected coach, play the game through college at a major school, coach under Nick Saban for several years in college and the pros, be a head coach at 2 universities, and have zero football knowledge.

I see what you are saying but I am sure we all know people that got where they are because of who their father is, and regardless of skill or experience had doors open for them because of this.

I know many Vols that have said very similar things about Dooley and his knowledge of the game. He never really advanced at any job and all he could ever tout was who he had worked for and who his dad is.
wow, an anonymous player had a conversation with you that he must have wanted to be private since you didn't give his name. Yea, I think i will call bs on that.
I buy a lot of it.

I don't buy that Dooley has zero football knowledge.

That's just dumb

Agree. The chemistry part makes a lot of sense and i can easily buy that he was a poor leader . . . but the knowledge part is pretty weak. He played at Virginia, could have gone Ivy League and has been around high level football since birth.
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wow, an anonymous player had a conversation with you that he must have wanted to be private since you didn't give his name. Yea, I think i will call bs on that.

There's no way to prove or disprove the conversation, but I actually respect the OP for not going with the name drop.
Flying out of BNA, you are likely to meet a lot of athletes and singers. Was a cool guy. A little disclaimer if I may, he wasn't even bashing Dooley. He was very cautious with his words. Had some things to say about Bray and DaRick but as some have pointed out, it wouldn't be anything new. I look at this forum as if a bunch of fans got together to hang out and tell stories. Didn't realize it was a TN fans rite of passage.
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Flying out of BNA, you are likely to meet a lot of athletes and singers. Was a cool guy. A little disclaimer if I may, he wasn't even bashing Dooley. He was very cautious with his words. Had some things to say about Bray and DaRick but as some have pointed out, it wouldn't be anything new. I look at this forum as if a bunch of fans got together to hang out and tell stories. Didn't realize it was a TN fans rite of passage.

Just another day on an anonymous message board.
Curious thread?

Just too much hate for every one but Kiffen.

Is Lane trolling this board for damage control after his horrific season at USC , and his record with the NFL draft?
Flying out of BNA, you are likely to meet a lot of athletes and singers. Was a cool guy. A little disclaimer if I may, he wasn't even bashing Dooley. He was very cautious with his words. Had some things to say about Bray and DaRick but as some have pointed out, it wouldn't be anything new. I look at this forum as if a bunch of fans got together to hang out and tell stories. Didn't realize it was a TN fans rite of passage.

So u leave out the negative about da'rick and bray to put it all on Dooley?? Knowing its key to the time. Context is key my friend and can't just leave parts out. Smh
So u leave out the negative about da'rick and bray to put it all on Dooley?? Knowing its key to the time. Context is key my friend and can't just leave parts out. Smh

If you read the entire post (which I'm starting to think people don't do) I talked about DaRicks lack of respect for Coach Baggett. The post was already long so I didn't want to go into all the details that have been talked about at naseam already.

For the record, I (meaning my opinion of which I'm entitled to) found all the info from a recent player to be intriguing to say the least. No Fulmer bashing, no Kiffin loving, no Dooley blaming on my part. Just relaying a conversation.

I will say this. One thing that shocked me (which could've totally been HIS opinion and made up) was his view of paying players. And how it's so rampate that he doesn't know how the NCAA will ever stop it. At the end of the day, it was a cool experience to talk to a former player about my beloved VOLs.
I will say this. One thing that shocked me (which could've totally been HIS opinion and made up) was his view of paying players. And how it's so rampate that he doesn't know how the NCAA will ever stop it.
They can't.
They have no intention to.
Which is why any "paying the players" thread is a joke.
wow, an anonymous player had a conversation with you that he must have wanted to be private since you didn't give his name. Yea, I think i will call bs on that.
Using the players name will authenticate what?

OK, I know who it was.

Peyton. :dance:
Hey fellas, just wanted to give my ole 2 cents as a former player. I played for the packers too at LT and wore 76, but don't want to say who I am.
I diagree with the "Fulmer was alseep" thing...

One of my best friends today, played for Fulmer and gradutaed the last year Fulmer was at UT. Carried him off the field that last game. Has nothing but pure respect and great stories of playing for him. I asked him this last night, and out of the 4 years playing for him, he never saw him asleep in meetings. He said he was always involved.

So, I am going to have to disagree with you on that statement. Either that, or the waterboy that told you these stories is still mad that he was only allowed to carry the water and not the gatorade.
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