Met a former player... (Lengthy)

I was traveling recently and had the privilege of meeting a former TN player. He was here during the Fulmer/Kiffin/Dooley debacle. Like any Vol fan, I began to ask questions and gained a lot of insight-some I assumed and some I was oblivious to.
For instance, had it been any other school other than USC, Kiffin would still be here. He said he was a brilliant offensive mind and had the respect of the entire team. Even when he would be in meetings with the offense, he would never try to coach a position of which he knew nothing about. (Unlike Dooley who always tried to throw his 2 cents in. Even to the point that his staff would tell the players to disregard everything he just said.) He believed Kiffin would've had us competing for championships already. (Not so sure I agreed with that as apparent with the current state of USC)
Regarding Fulmer, he definitely got lazy and it showed in the locker room. He would often be found asleep during meetings. Was a great man and loved TN but felt it was time for him to go.
Dooley and his staff was a complete train wreck and quite possibly could be the worst staff ever assembled. Not from football knowledge but from sheer lack of chemistry.(All the more I reason I like how BJ has brought his people with him everywhere he's went.) Dooley allowed DaRick to verbally abuse Coach Baggett without ever doing a thing about it. Dooley had zero football knowledge. Literally. He would say things in meetings that made no sense to even the newest freshman. He was all hair and no substance. But I don't think any of us were fooled by him very far into his tenure. Bottom line, he felt we finally have a staff that understands football but also how to motivate 18-22 yr olds to be excellent on and off the field. Sorry this was so long but thought I'd share.

Your post is void of credibility.
1. You say this came from a "former player" and yet you will not name who it was. The typical way the liberal media works.
2. Who kicked DaRick off the Team? DOOLEY
3. Dooley's Dad was a football coach. Dooley went to practices with his Dad. Dooley played HS football, Dooley played College Football, Dooley coached college and pro football. To say he had Zero knowledge of football is "NUTS".
4. Kiffin is a doucebag, phony, He is showing how great of a coach he is now.
5. What meetings was this former player in where he saw Fulmer sleeping.

You need to refrain from posting anything for 6 months.
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Your post is void of credibility.
1. You say this came from a "former player" and yet you will not name who it was. The typical way the liberal media works.
2. Who kicked DaRick off the Team? DOOLEY
3. Dooley's Dad was a football coach. Dooley went to practices with his Dad. Dooley played HS football, Dooley played College Football, Dooley coached college and pro football. To say he had Zero knowledge of football is "NUTS".
4. Kiffin is a doucebag, phony, He is showing how great of a coach he is now.
5. What meetings was this former player in where he saw Fulmer sleeping.

You need to refrain from posting anything for 6 months.

150% agree with you!!!!
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Just because a player says that, does not mean it is right. What I mean it is about perception. You talk to any factory worker and they pretty much will throw plant management under the bus. If they like management too much, than that does not mean the plant runs good. Just because this guy say Kiffin was the man, does not mean they would have won. As far as Dooley, I could see some of it, but remember something a lot of players do not love their coach and that team wins. Dooley's did not and it is not soley because the players did not like him. Players have a perception of reality too and a lot of times they are not mature enough to understand everything that is going on, having said that I do believe Dooley was a train wreck.
In today's world perception is reality. Never and I mean never did Dooley have his team fired up, never a good game plan, and he had no respect from the players. I call that no ability no matter what lipstick you put on the pig. Kiffin is a recruiting machine I give him that, and Fulmer got lazy. You have to get college players to buy in and I think CBJ is doing that. I am in his corner.
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I dont think you are lying about anything.
Sure the player could have exaggerated about things such as CPF sleeping.
IMO - DD will go down as the worst coach in modern day SEC. BUT he could coach,scout, recruit WR's so to say he knew nothing about fball is a little much.
Your post is void of credibility.
1. You say this came from a "former player" and yet you will not name who it was. The typical way the liberal media works.
2. Who kicked DaRick off the Team? DOOLEY
3. Dooley's Dad was a football coach. Dooley went to practices with his Dad. Dooley played HS football, Dooley played College Football, Dooley coached college and pro football. To say he had Zero knowledge of football is "NUTS".
4. Kiffin is a doucebag, phony, He is showing how great of a coach he is now.
5. What meetings was this former player in where he saw Fulmer sleeping.

You need to refrain from posting anything for 6 months.

Hey, man. I don't know if you've noticed, but some arsehole has hacked your account and changed your moniker to "BearBryant." You might want to fix that or people will get the wrong impression.
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Like you, I wonder how he could grow up with a father who is a well respected coach, play the game through college at a major school, coach under Nick Saban for several years in college and the pros, be a head coach at 2 universities, and have zero football knowledge.

I had a Precalculus professor that was as smart as they come. He could literally do any math problem. His shortcoming was that he didn't know how to teach that knowledge to where we understood it. Some people are extremely intelligent but can't teach what they know or simplify things. I think that's Dooley. He actually may be suited better for the pros because he doesn't have to simplify things.
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I had a Precalculus professor that was as smart as they come. He could literally do any math problem. His shortcoming was that he didn't know how to teach that knowledge to where we understood it. Some people are extremely intelligent but can't teach what they know or simplify things. I think that's Dooley. He actually may be suited better for the pros because he doesn't have to simplify things.

I think this is right. My impression of Dooley was that he was intelligent but not a 'people person'. That would explain why he didn't want to meet Tenn. HS coaches or schmoze with former players.

When people perceive you are talking down to them, or you are not really interested in helping them, they tune you out.
My life is void of credibility.
1. You say this came from a "former player" and yet you will not name who it was. The typical way the liberal media works. And Obama was born in Qatar.

I need to refrain from posting anything for 6 months.
fyp :hi:
Look: I've watched the Vols for 35 years. And what we saw the last 3 years wasn't Vol football. Don't blame it on the unmentionable leaving us; Tooley was handed the keys to a team that went to the Chick Fil A Bowl and they got worse every year. Every year. If it wasn't youth, it was injury, it was Barack's fault. WHATEVER. Every one here knows that that team never looked prepared. Never. Silly penalties. Turnovers. Misreads. That is directly Tooley's fault; he was not fit for the job he got. It's that simple.
Look, I never meant for this thread to be "who's fault" discussion. It was cool to meet someone who suited up for the Vols and I asked a few questions. Everyone has their own opinion of why were not who we were. It doesn't matter now. CBJ is here. Forgive me for bringing the experience to the forum. Back to just reading now.
Look, I never meant for this thread to be "who's fault" discussion. It was cool to meet someone who suited up for the Vols and I asked a few questions. Everyone has their own opinion of why were not who we were. It doesn't matter now. CBJ is here. Forgive me for bringing the experience to the forum. Back to just reading now.

i enjoyed your post. i dont get all the bellyaching over it. its not like you made some wild proclamation.
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Yep , That guy with " NO Football knowledge " is now the wide receivers coach for Jones at the Dallas Cowpokes . It took him what a month to get that gig ? There is more to this Story than WE as fans know. But well we could listen to the INSIDERS that got Gruden as the Vols Coach . Do not be thinking that I am a Doolite . Its Obvious to me , tb , undrafted ,and SAL and all there is much more to be known . Yep all you guys just made 6 or seven million last year
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Has there been a "Butch Jones gets it" in this thread yet?

If not, Butch Jones gets it.
right, Fulmer got so lazy at the end that all he did was win 10 games and play in the SEC Championship game the year before he got canned....
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A. Kiffin sucks .
B. Love him or hate him Fulmer won the first BCS championship.
C. Dooley tried to be Saban without the chops to do it.
D. Layla would be my go to on the whole BJ thing.
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