Migration nightmares for Canada??

Seems like the Canadians are second guessing their immigrant decisions now yet I have no idea why. /s


FATAH: Bare-chested religious self-flagellation has no place on our streets

I’m all for it as long as they flog themselves and nobody else why not . I’m all for people doing stupid things to themselves , I watch that stuff all the time on you tube . I wish the crazy ones would do it more here in the US that way you know for a fact who’s nuts and don’t have to wonder .
Those were all celebrities that moved north after Donald Trump was elected. No worry though another hoard is coming in from the south.

I doubt that , it’s hard as hell to get into Canada if you’ve caught a felony charge in your life . That’s leaves most of them out .
This is a Muslim religious tradition. Would you have the same reaction if it were a few hundred Christians singing Kumbaya?

I know this is Canada but our own Constitution protects the freedom of religion, the freedom to assemble and the freedom of expression (speech). That's all I see happening in the video.
This is a Muslim religious tradition. Would you have the same reaction if it were a few hundred Christians singing Kumbaya?

I know this is Canada but our own Constitution protects the freedom of religion, the freedom to assemble and the freedom of expression (speech). That's all I see happening in the video.

Like I said I’m all for people doing stupid things to themselves . I think there should be more floggings not less . I do wonder though if Mohammad flogged himself or was it one of those do as I say not as I do things . I have no idea .
They were slapping themselves in the chest. You see Americans do way dumber **** than that at any college football tailgate, lol.

Not sure what all the fuss is about.
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They were slapping themselves in the chest. You see Americans do way dumber **** than that at any college football tailgate, lol.

Not sure what all the fuss is about.
I'm glad people running for Toronto Mayor feels differently.

Responding to my question, she wrote back: “The roots of this cultural practice have no connection to Canada while the spectacle itself is profoundly incongruent with Canadian Values. Mass demonstrations wherein shirtless men self-flagellate have no place on our shared publicly funded streets. As Mayor of Toronto I would see to it that such demonstrations were dispersed at once, while any infractions would be dealt with to the fullest extent of Canadian Law.”
I thought it sounded pretty Cool. I don’t have a clue what they were saying but it didn’t look like they were causing problems.
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This is a Muslim religious tradition. Would you have the same reaction if it were a few hundred Christians singing Kumbaya?

I know this is Canada but our own Constitution protects the freedom of religion, the freedom to assemble and the freedom of expression (speech). That's all I see happening in the video.

I hope a 100 Muslims move to your street and **** the place up. Maybe if you see it firsthand you'll wise up.
This is a Muslim religious tradition. Would you have the same reaction if it were a few hundred Christians singing Kumbaya?

I know this is Canada but our own Constitution protects the freedom of religion, the freedom to assemble and the freedom of expression (speech). That's all I see happening in the video.

Don't Christians do the same in certain parts of the world? I think in the Philippines some will actually nail themselves to a cross.
Don't Christians do the same in certain parts of the world? I think in the Philippines some will actually nail themselves to a cross.

Still stupid don’t care what the religion is . Do you think Jesus would agree to them defiling the temple by having himself nailed to a piece of wood or do you think he would be more inclined to say .. now Philippe , my dad gave you a brain so you wouldn’t do things like this to yourself .
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