Migration nightmares for Canada??

Because I can read?? Are you insisting when someone writes "My city of Toronto needs to stop these types of gathering" that they are lying about where they live?
You have to realize that's a possibility on the internet

Agree with this...and by winter, you mean arctic insanely cold, human flesh freezes in 90 seconds if exposed, winter. My dad lived in mankato, Minnesota for a couple years. I went there for Christmas once. It was negative 30 at night...pretty sure all of Canada gets at least that cold since it is further north. They can keep that crap...

Snowmobiles and having snowmobile lanes next to all the roads are really cool though. Its like if there was a cart path next to every road in tennessee and everyone had a dirtbike to ride ...again, except for that unbearable cold thing. Negative 30 with a 40mph wind chill ....hmmm, maybe not that cool on second thought

Toronto is much warmer than that.
Lake effect warms it i guess? Its gotta be pretty close to montana and minnesota as far as distance from the equator...montana and minnesota both get waaaay into the negative temps every winter. Could be a wind current thing maybe?
Dang. They sure are trying hard to keep the flood of migrants moving into other countries.

Hate speech? They're trying too hard.
Looking good Canada.

I’d bet anything these same people would condem book burnings by a government . Im amazed that a person is considered a dictator when they do something like this ( Hitler , Stalin ) but governments don’t seem to have a problem using the things that led up to them being a dictator and kept them in power . You know , as long as it’s for “the good of the people “. We certainly can’t have anyone hurting someone’s feelings using bad words .
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Just wondering how that relates to Toronto.
Seriously? Someone said it had to be true because it was on the internet. Look up the bonjour commercial if you're still confused

Seriously? Someone said it had to be true because it was on the internet. Look up the bonjour commercial if you're still confused

No I said are you implying the people commenting they are terrified don't live there? And you ran with your bonjour joke. That must be one very bored person just to jump in other countries twitter feeds to comment and act scared while living 3000 miles away.
No I said are you implying the people commenting they are terrified don't live there? And you ran with your bonjour joke. That must be one very bored person just to jump in other countries twitter feeds to comment and act scared while living 3000 miles away.
You realize 3000 miles doesn't exist in the internet. Quit acting as if Twitter is some sectioned off, regional entity. Anyone can and will comment on anything at any time and it will be instantaneous. That's how the internet works

Plus the guy posting it is pretty much an unknown on Twitter so trying to claim mass free and hysteria from his couple hundred followers is ridiculous
You realize 3000 miles doesn't exist in the internet. Quit acting as if Twitter is some sectioned off, regional entity. Anyone can and will comment on anything at any time and it will be instantaneous. That's how the internet works

Plus the guy posting it is pretty much an unknown on Twitter so trying to claim mass free and hysteria from his couple hundred followers is ridiculous
I understand how the internet works, thanks. But for you to think everybody posting worried about Toronto are Russian bots is asinine.
I understand how the internet works, thanks. But for you to think everybody posting worried about Toronto are Russian bots is asinine.
I'm really not sure you do. The guy has very few followers which means they are likely friends, acquaintances or like minded people. Not a stretch to think that an idiotic, fear-mongering post would have a bunch of screeching in the comments. Where they claim to actually live is irrelevant

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