I know you're being deliberately coy because an unpleasant truth occurred to you. But I'm a nice guy.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.bu...es-to-live-in-according-to-millennials-2016-5 (I know, millennials-gross)
This will get you started. Go ahead and take note of the people.
I'm off to bed. I'll catch you tomorrow.
At least we addressed the elephant in the room tonight (sort of). Tums, before you go to sleep, I'd like you to think about how the Ottomans ran the world before white and kind of white (Portuguese & Spanish) figured out how to sail around the middle east and avoid their tarriffs.
I'd also like you to think about how there's a dearth of technical expertise in the Western world right now and the gaps are being filled by people from China, India, and ::gasp:: the Middle East. Maybe our half-millenia is about to be over?
Sweet dreams.
I am home.
Also, they were avoiding more than tariffs. They were avoiding having their throats slashed. We see some people have certainly not advanced.
Which reminds me, answered Tums question yet? Nope.
"Adding millions of people illegally crossing into a country who kill, rape, assault and destroy things isn't exactly something to be happy about."
It's real simple.
You don't want Muslims here because there are bad apples.
There are bad apples in every group. You can't find any significant group of people without members that have done horrible things....Christians, blacks, whites, Muslims, short people, Democrats, whatever group we are talking about, there are some terrible people, so....
Ban all groups, right? What is the logical consistency behind drawing the line at Muslims?
You are wantonly ignorant of the realities of people who in no way wish for themselves or their progeny to 'assimilate' into America. That is the very thing, as muslims, they do not want. They do want their communities to be governed by sharia. No one else has a moral, 'allah given right' to sit in judgement over them. Even in local civil court. THAT is why they get angry when any police force in any nation enters the 'zone' they've laid out. They are the ones that usurp a parcel of any sovereign country and establish another 'micro-country' within it and it's under political islam. Anyone entering is met with an enforcement squad (not really a gang) and 'encouraged' to leave immediately. They have their own "government" within every EU country.
It's amazing how so many refuse or are just intellectually blind to these realities. Wanton ignorance is sad. And it's hard to overcome.
In 2006, Gallup found support for using Sharia as at least one source for the law was at a worldwide country-level average of 79 percent (Figure 7). The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding asked a very similar question of U.S. Muslims in 2016 and found that 55 percent opposed using their religion as even one source out of many for U.S. laws.
I don't know about Europe. Maybe you can post some facts about how they haven't assimilated. They assimilate rather well here in the US.
More than half! Would half of Christians agree to this?
Read the whole article. You'll learn something.
Name one area cops won't go into. Just one. It's that simple.
Again, the videos have been posted in this thread. You've purposefully ignored them. No point in reposting info that you magically gloss over. In fact, Louder's links discredited you earlier and named a few no go zones and you've ignored those as well.
At least we addressed the elephant in the room tonight (sort of). Tums, before you go to sleep, I'd like you to think about how the Ottomans ran the world before white and kind of white (Portuguese & Spanish) people figured out how to sail around the middle east and avoid their tarriffs.
I'd also like you to think about how there's a dearth of technical expertise in the Western world right now and the gaps are being filled by people from China, India, and ::gasp:: the Middle East. Maybe our half-millenia is about to be over?
Sweet dreams.
We're already past this. You and tums acknowledged that it was whiteness/Christianity (because you feel very strongly about both) that made these nations special and then I pointed out that other religions and ethnicities have had their moment in the sun while also making the point that we may be on the verge of a "sunset."
Go to bed like tums did.