Name one area cops won't go into. Just one. It's that simple.
These are louder's links: Let's refute them! shall we...
Gates of Vienna is an Islamophobic blog originally begun on Blogspot in January 2003. It is run from Virginia by Edward (Ned) May, but often hosts European proponents of the Eurabia conspiracy theory, including Fjordman from Norway, the ideological inspiration for the far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik. [1] Other European contributors include "El Inglés", and "Seneca III" who seem to live in Spain. The blog played a major role in introducing the Eurabia theory to a US far-right public. It moved to self-hosting in January 2013 after being taken down twice by Blogger due to its extreme and racist content.
The other link is far more let's pull some quotes from the story: "The police have encountered opposition in the Soldiner neighborhood in three or four instances," local police chief Uwe Heller told me when I visited him in his office.---yes this can be "problematic" in any country or locale especially when this particular neighborhood: "has more unemployment and people on welfare than other Berlin districts." WoW!! YES THERE IS A CORRELATION BETWEEN POVERTY AND CRIME!!
====So Loudervol and Gero Schliess have found the worst neighborhood in Berlin ---so by extension, possibly the worst neighborhood in all of Germany...but let's read another quote from the article:
"It's a shame that recent headlines have conjured up the old images," the 32-year-old kindergarten teacher said. The media have exaggerated some points, he adds, calling this actually a normal neighborhood.
The author is also from Prenzlauer Berg...which is the equivalent of some journalist from Williamsburg or the upper east side going to Newark or Brownsville and writing/lamenting about how Dangerous the hood is... Complete BS...
I'm sure we all remember Anders Breivik.