Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

Macron is already over. Can anyone stop Le Pen?​

The president must decide if his candidates should drop out and back the left to stop the far right winning power in France for the first time.

PARIS — Emmanuel Macron faces a bitterly painful choice: Throw everything he’s got at stopping the far right, or try to save what remains of his once-dominant movement before it dies.

Europe’s second-biggest economy and its only nuclear-armed power is now closer than ever before to ushering in a far-right government for the first time, after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) took a dramatic lead in the first stage of voting.


Protests sweep Paris as humiliated Macron is DEFEATED by Le Pen's National Rally in election first round: President's allies say hard right 'stands at the gates of power' and there are 'seven days to stop catastrophe' ahead of second round​

French President Emmanuel Macron and his allies this morning launched a fresh week of intense campaigning hours after their party was humiliated last night in the first round of parliamentary elections by the hard-right National Rally (RN).

Rioting engulfed the streets of Paris last night as thousands of enraged left-leaning voters set light to rubbish, smashed up shop windows and launched fireworks after Marine Le Pen's RN steamed to victory with 33% of the first round vote.

Demonstrators gather in Place de la Republique, to protest against the rising right-wing movement after the Rassemblement National's victory in the first round of early general elections in Paris, France on June 30, 2024

Tension rises as demonstrators gather in Place de la Republique, to protest against the rising right-wing movement after the Rassemblement National's victory in the first round of early general elections in Paris, France on June 30, 2024


Protests sweep Paris as humiliated Macron is DEFEATED by Le Pen's National Rally in election first round: President's allies say hard right 'stands at the gates of power' and there are 'seven days to stop catastrophe' ahead of second round​

French President Emmanuel Macron and his allies this morning launched a fresh week of intense campaigning hours after their party was humiliated last night in the first round of parliamentary elections by the hard-right National Rally (RN).

Rioting engulfed the streets of Paris last night as thousands of enraged left-leaning voters set light to rubbish, smashed up shop windows and launched fireworks after Marine Le Pen's RN steamed to victory with 33% of the first round vote.

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Demonstrators gather in Place de la Republique, to protest against the rising right-wing movement after the Rassemblement National's victory in the first round of early general elections in Paris, France on June 30, 2024

View attachment 655683
Tension rises as demonstrators gather in Place de la Republique, to protest against the rising right-wing movement after the Rassemblement National's victory in the first round of early general elections in Paris, France on June 30, 2024

Why is it always the Leftists that tear everything up and raise Hell like above and in the BLM riots? They never face consequences like they should here in the US. They need to be dealt with severely like all the poor bastards serving prison time in the US for walking peacefully through the Capitol bldg on Jan6th after the police moved all the barricades out of the way for them, opened the doors to the building for them, then escorted them as they walked through the building accompanied by ~200 undercover agent provocateurs! I hope Trump pardons every one of them unless they damaged property or assaulted an officer etc. Nobody should be in prison for simply walking the "Capitol Fieldtrip" hosted by our LEOs that day.

Lock them all up if they burn or damage private property, throw objects at police or other citizens, if they do anything besides "peaceful assembly" as guaranteed in the BOR. This never seems to happen though to the lefts thugs. They are allowed to throw tantrums like little children at everyone elses expense and the media is complicit.

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