Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

A 'hurricane of Migrants Is Coming' For Britain: Suella Braverman gets standing ovation after no-holds-barred speech warning Labour voters want open borders because they have the 'luxury' of not needing to worry about their jobs or child grooming gangs​

Suella Braverman warned that global migration is 'a hurricane' that threatens to hit Britain with 'millions' of new arrivals today as she delivered a tubthumping Tory conference speech.

In a red meat address to the party faithful the Home Secretary accused politicians of all shades of being too 'squeamish about being smeared as racist' to act on illegal immigration over the past 30 years.

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HIV Cases Among African-born Brits Outnumber those from UK for first time in a decade​

More HIV cases were diagnosed among people born in Africa than the UK last year, official figures show.

Data from the UK Health Security Agency shows 3,805 people were diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in England in 2022.

Some 700 were born in Britain, a record low. Meanwhile, 1,179 were born in Africa — the highest since 2014.


Why the Failure To Stem Migration is Driving Even Liberal Germans Into The Arms of the far-Right: As Bavaria goes to the polls tomorrow, ROBERT HARDMAN is dismayed to find Spiralling Resentment - and chilling echoes of history​

But I am stone-cold sober, and my eyes are not deceiving me. Just a mile from the happy mayhem of the Oktoberfest showground is an angry demonstration outside Munich’s city hall.

So which way will he vote when Bavaria goes to the polls tomorrow? ‘Well, I’ve voted Green for the last 25 years. But this time, I think I will go with the AfD.’

I am speechless. Here is someone who has been trotting along on the eco-wing of the Left for most of his adult life and now he is going to tick the box for the far-Right Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD).

Quite apart from the fact that they are fiercely pro-nuclear, the AfD are considered so beyond the pale that no other party — in a land of coalition politics — will even contemplate doing a deal with them.

Their latest election literature uses overtly Islamophobic language. They blame specific minorities for a spike in German rape statistics. They even have a creepy poster of a man in women’s make-up who appears to be about to grab a small boy, alongside the slogan ‘Leave our children alone’.

One of the party’s most senior figures is facing prosecution for alleged use of Nazi language in a recent speech. And now, the only party further to the Right, the neo-Nazi NPD (newly renamed ‘Die Heimat’ or ‘The Homeland’) has just urged its supporters to vote AfD tomorrow.

I meet several others, from both Left and Right persuasions previously, who tell me that they, too, will be voting AfD tomorrow. They cite multiple reasons for their lurch to the far-Right. Nadine, 35, talks of ‘crazy gender issues’. Yet if you scratch a little deeper, you soon get on to what lies behind this alarming shift in voting patterns: talk of another surge of migrants.

The recent scenes on the Italian island of Lampedusa, where the local population more than doubled in a day as boat after boat of immigrants arrived from North Africa, have resonated strongly here in Germany.

No nation has taken in more refugees than Germany, which was accommodating more than one million asylum-seekers, from across Africa and Asia, before it received a further million Ukrainians.

The memory of those scenes in 2015, when Angela Merkel suddenly opened Germany’s doors to the legion of migrants — arriving via Greece and the Balkans — is still vivid. Though Merkel received international plaudits for her generosity at the time, it nearly proved her undoing as German public opinion rapidly turned against an uncapped flow of migrants.

In Bavaria, AfD (Alternative fur Deutschland) is polling at 15 per cent, ahead of the Social Democrats who lead the current national coalition


Why the Failure To Stem Migration is Driving Even Liberal Germans Into The Arms of the far-Right: As Bavaria goes to the polls tomorrow, ROBERT HARDMAN is dismayed to find Spiralling Resentment - and chilling echoes of history​

But I am stone-cold sober, and my eyes are not deceiving me. Just a mile from the happy mayhem of the Oktoberfest showground is an angry demonstration outside Munich’s city hall.

So which way will he vote when Bavaria goes to the polls tomorrow? ‘Well, I’ve voted Green for the last 25 years. But this time, I think I will go with the AfD.’

I am speechless. Here is someone who has been trotting along on the eco-wing of the Left for most of his adult life and now he is going to tick the box for the far-Right Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD).

Quite apart from the fact that they are fiercely pro-nuclear, the AfD are considered so beyond the pale that no other party — in a land of coalition politics — will even contemplate doing a deal with them.

Their latest election literature uses overtly Islamophobic language. They blame specific minorities for a spike in German rape statistics. They even have a creepy poster of a man in women’s make-up who appears to be about to grab a small boy, alongside the slogan ‘Leave our children alone’.

One of the party’s most senior figures is facing prosecution for alleged use of Nazi language in a recent speech. And now, the only party further to the Right, the neo-Nazi NPD (newly renamed ‘Die Heimat’ or ‘The Homeland’) has just urged its supporters to vote AfD tomorrow.

I meet several others, from both Left and Right persuasions previously, who tell me that they, too, will be voting AfD tomorrow. They cite multiple reasons for their lurch to the far-Right. Nadine, 35, talks of ‘crazy gender issues’. Yet if you scratch a little deeper, you soon get on to what lies behind this alarming shift in voting patterns: talk of another surge of migrants.

The recent scenes on the Italian island of Lampedusa, where the local population more than doubled in a day as boat after boat of immigrants arrived from North Africa, have resonated strongly here in Germany.

No nation has taken in more refugees than Germany, which was accommodating more than one million asylum-seekers, from across Africa and Asia, before it received a further million Ukrainians.

The memory of those scenes in 2015, when Angela Merkel suddenly opened Germany’s doors to the legion of migrants — arriving via Greece and the Balkans — is still vivid. Though Merkel received international plaudits for her generosity at the time, it nearly proved her undoing as German public opinion rapidly turned against an uncapped flow of migrants.

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In Bavaria, AfD (Alternative fur Deutschland) is polling at 15 per cent, ahead of the Social Democrats who lead the current national coalition

Love that whiny verbiage.

" those big bad Meanies actually blamed a group of minorities for the surge in rapes committed "...

Well? Did that "minority group" actually rape women in Germany? Did they disproportionately do so for the last several years since they have been in your country?

The articles i have previously read from Sweden and other European countries actually furnish the real STATISTICS and FACTS which are absolutely damning. They show beyond the shadow of a doubt that these migrants from the Middle East and Northern African muslim countries ARE raping the indigenous Caucasian women AND little girls at rates several TIMES the rates they have ever been raped before. Ever. In history.

So predictable to read this liberal garbage hitpiece. Journalism is nearly dead, and sadly universities especially secular examples are just indoctrination factories for this liberal socialist drivel and far left gender fiction.

Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent​

Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake”, and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.

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Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent​

Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake”, and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.

Was wondering when this would become an issue.

Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent​

Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake”, and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.

Good luck getting them out. Same for our country. We've all been undone by a modern trojan horse strategy. Our problem is that we don't have any semblance of national pride or unity so any thought of our country uniting to fight this existential threat is not realistic.
Good luck getting them out. Same for our country. We've all been undone by a modern trojan horse strategy. Our problem is that we don't have any semblance of national pride or unity so any thought of our country uniting to fight this existential threat is not realistic.
or our identity of national unity never had anything to do with any type pride derived from who we let into the nation. we have always been a nation of ideas, that has always been flexible, and not some insular set of defined peoples.

people have ALWAYS come to America because it was a better life that offered more freedoms than their home did. You can't compare 21st century migrants to 17th century migrants. because we ,the 21st century US citizen, are certainly not facing the 17th century reality either. 16th century America was a better place than 16th century elsewhere. 17th century America was a better place than 17th century elsewhere. 18th century America was a better place than 18th century elsewhere. 19th century America was a better place than 19th century elsewhere. 20th century America was a better place than 20th century elsewhere. 21st century America is a better place than 21st century elsewhere. America has always been a better/easier place to be than SOMEWHERE else in the world. likely always will be.

the exact same arguments were being made with every single different people that came over to America. Germans are too different, and will side with Germany over the US, despite some unrest there was no uprising during either World War. The Irish are lazy good for nothings taking jobs away from hard working Americans and they are brining their Catholic religion over hear. the (various asians) are bringing weird languages, foods, and religions over, and also taking jobs away from hard working Americans. the freed slaves will take away jobs from hard working Americans and we can't have any interracial couples or accept any of their culture.

exact. same. argument. always some "new" reason to play up the same old fears, fears that never play out. some distinction without a difference for some group of people to rally behind to keep the latest batch of immigrants away. the next time the stakes are always higher, we've never been here before, never faced this type of crisis or time, we've never seen it this bad. It can literally always be said. but somehow America has always survived.

Conservatives Win Big in Switzerland, and the Top Issue Is a Warning Sign for Other EU Countries​

The conservative Swiss People's Party has won the nation's election, according to projections. Garnering 30 percent, the SVP bested all the other parties by a solid margin, including the Social Democrats, which won 15 percent of the vote. The ruling Green party is projected to lose seats in the parliament.

What was the driving issue? Well, Politico's headline, which reads "Swiss Anti-Immigrant Party Projected to Make Record Election Showing," gives us a pretty good idea.


Germany to Begin ‘Large Scale’ Deportations, Says Scholz as Country Faces Record Number of Illegals​

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has admitted that “too many people are coming” into the country illegally and vowed to begin deportations on a “large scale” as Germany is on pace to see more illegal migrants enter the country than during the European Migrant Crisis of 2016.

Amid growing calls throughout Europe to crack down on illegal immigration in the wake of Islamist terror attacks and rising incidents of antisemitic crimes, leftist German leader Olaf Scholz has joined the chorus of leaders finally acknowledging that unfettered waves of illegals breaking into Europe must stop.

Chancellor Scholz, whose leftist Social Democrat Party (SPD) and government coalition partner the Greens have long opposed measures to clamp down on illegal migration, claimed that his government will stand together on increasing deportations.


'Hooligans' torch vehicles and loot shops in Dublin after school Stabbing Left Girl, Five, and Woman Seriously Hurt: Riots erupt amid unconfirmed rumours Knifeman Is Foreign National - police say attack was 'not terror', mob chants 'get them out'​

A creche worker who stepped in to prevent a knifeman from attacking children is among those seriously injured following an incident in Dublin on Thursday that saw the city burn as 'far-right' rioters took to the streets in anger.

The woman, thought to be in her 30s, was seriously injured after she ran to the aid of a five-year-old girl attacked by a man in his 50s. Sources told Irish national press that her actions may have saved two other children aged five and six from serious harm.

Following the attack outside Gaelscoil Colaiste Mhuire in Parnell Square East, unsubstantiated reports began spreading on social media that the suspect was a foreign national. Anti-immigration protesters then flooded the Irish capital.

In ugly, violent scenes, vehicles were torched and shops including a Foot Locker were looted; a hotel that was alleged to be hosting asylum seekers was also attacked and riot squads were sent in to quell the disturbance.


Faced With Looming Election Defeat, Tories Suddenly Rediscover They Can Control UK Borders​


Britain’s governing Conservatives have decided it is now time to do something about the historic levels of migrants arriving in the country due to their immigration policies, prompting opposition Labour to quip: “who does the Home Secretary think has been in charge for the past 13 years?”.

Home Secretary (Interior Minister) James Cleverly announced an emergency package of measures to reduce migrant arrivals to the United Kingdom on Monday afternoon, a move he claimed would cause the largest reduction in migrant arrivals ever.

Among the changes planned are reforms to end “abuse” of visas and those arriving for legitimate reasons bringing large numbers of family members as ‘dependents’ with them, and increasing the salary level at which is becomes possible to obtain visas for work. Speaking in Parliament, Cleverly said these changes would see “around 300,000 fewer people… in future years than came to the UK last year”.


French Mayor Faces Beheading Death Threats for Speaking Out After ‘Stab White People’ Attack​


French police have reportedly launched an investigation after the mayor of Romans-sur-Isère claimed to have received death threats for speaking out against the “culture of delinquency” of migrant-background communities following an allegedly anti-white mass stabbing attack last month.

Centrist Les Républicains politician Marie-Hélène Thoraval claimed this week that she was subjected to multiple death threats, including one which vowed to “juggle her skull” after she spoke publicly on the issues of violence within a heavily foreign-background area of her city.

Love that whiny verbiage.

" those big bad Meanies actually blamed a group of minorities for the surge in rapes committed "...

Well? Did that "minority group" actually rape women in Germany? Did they disproportionately do so for the last several years since they have been in your country?

The articles i have previously read from Sweden and other European countries actually furnish the real STATISTICS and FACTS which are absolutely damning. They show beyond the shadow of a doubt that these migrants from the Middle East and Northern African muslim countries ARE raping the indigenous Caucasian women AND little girls at rates several TIMES the rates they have ever been raped before. Ever. In history.

So predictable to read this liberal garbage hitpiece. Journalism is nearly dead, and sadly universities especially secular examples are just indoctrination factories for this liberal socialist drivel and far left gender fiction.

Do provide links to some of these articles you claim to have read with the rape statistics.
Trump likes to stoke the rubes with lies about migrants and immigrants committing crimes. Lying is the gangster's thang.

That said, migration has spun out of control and tougher measures need to be put in place to deal with it. There are simply too many people
fleeing from dysfunctional countries, of which there are many, and wanting to live in Western countries. They are not bad people; in fact, they are good people, but they're just far too many of them. That has become clear. It's unfortunate that right-wingers/white supremacists want to demonize them. We are a nation of immigrants, let's remind.
Do provide links to some of these articles you claim to have read with the rape statistics.
Trump likes to stoke the rubes with lies about migrants and immigrants committing crimes. Lying is the gangster's thang.

That said, migration has spun out of control and tougher measures need to be put in place to deal with it. There are simply too many people
fleeing from dysfunctional countries, of which there are many, and wanting to live in Western countries. They are not bad people; in fact, they are good people, but they're just far too many of them. That has become clear. It's unfortunate that right-wingers/white supremacists want to demonize them. We are a nation of immigrants, let's remind.
Ha! This is not the same.. these are people with extremely different core values and priorities to what Western Civilization has at its core.. it is a sh!tstorm waiting to happen.. they do not value what is in place and seek to destroy it.. there is a tremendous difference

Irish PM ‘deeply concerned’ By Fire At Property Earmarked For Migrants​

DUBLIN — Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar expressed his “deep concern” on Sunday about reports of suspected criminal damage at properties earmarked for accommodating migrants, including a fire at a former hotel in the county of Galway overnight.

Protesters had gathered earlier on Saturday to blockade the entrance of the hotel in opposition to government plans to house 70 asylum seekers there from next week, RTE reported.


France Passes Bill to Make Deporting Undesirable Foreigners Easier​

PARIS (AP) – The French parliament approved a divisive immigration bill intended to strengthen France´s ability to deport foreigners considered undesirable, prompting a heated debate after the far-right decided to back the measure.

The bill passed the lower house of parliament, the National Assembly, with a 349-186 vote late Tuesday. It had previously been voted by the Senate.

The conservatives, who pushed for a hard-line approach, said the compromise text features provisions to reduce the number of migrants coming to France, notably by limiting foreigners´ access to social benefits.

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France Passes Bill to Make Deporting Undesirable Foreigners Easier​

PARIS (AP) – The French parliament approved a divisive immigration bill intended to strengthen France´s ability to deport foreigners considered undesirable, prompting a heated debate after the far-right decided to back the measure.

The bill passed the lower house of parliament, the National Assembly, with a 349-186 vote late Tuesday. It had previously been voted by the Senate.

The conservatives, who pushed for a hard-line approach, said the compromise text features provisions to reduce the number of migrants coming to France, notably by limiting foreigners´ access to social benefits.

And that's what we need to do here. Smart move.

At Least Four Dead in Suspected Boat Migrant Drowning Off French Coast​

PARIS (AP) – Four people were found dead overnight in another suspected drowning of migrants trying to cross the dangerous English Channel from northern France, authorities said Sunday.


Government Pressures UK Couple To Surrender Home To Immigrants​

The policy for dealing with illegal immigrants has shifted from deportation to indifference, to encouragement, to subsidization, and next to forced cohabitation.

An elderly English couple living in the United Kingdom was sent a letter by the North Northamptonshire Council that referred to their newly purchased home as “empty” and “derelict” to intimidate them into surrendering it to the government so that it could be repurposed into a housing unit for illegal immigrants.

The excuse the council gave was, “The Government has identified empty privately-owned properties as a potential cause of blight within communities, and as a wasted resource at times of high housing need.” England is preparing to displace its own retired elderly citizens to make room for perpetual lawbreakers to steal their property.

This predicament will become more common after the U.K. government has been suggesting this sort of policy in recent years. In preparation for Biden’s catastrophic evacuation of Afghanistan, English ministers suggested having their people house Afghan refugees akin to how they had organized private housing for Ukrainian refugees in 2022 following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The rest of Europe is undergoing a similar domestic attack as well. Disgruntled nonprofit volunteer organizations in France have felt compelled to compensate for their government by temporarily housing immigrant families until it does its job. The German government has forced citizens out of apartment complexes to house illegal immigrants instead, claiming that the buildings were already “at the end of their life cycle” anyway.

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^^^ coming soon to a theatre near you?

How many times have you read or heard now politicians in the NE like Massachusetts asking citizens to take illegals into their homes because the idiots in government cannot house them all? House them at no cost to them of course...all paid for with our tax money. Since those are all Dimwit controlled areas you will never hear em suggest actually addressing the root of the problems...the wide open southern border they opened...but instead try to place the blame for the problem on citizens not being willing to take undocumented and desperate strangers into their homes for free in the middle of record inflation that the Dimwits also caused.

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