So now there are reports that the UT job is not appealing to Gundy.... Seriously Hart is allowing an ass clown from a cow college say that our job is not appealing to him??!?!
Hart is about as good with public relations as Anthony Weiner was with online affairs.
ArkansasRoyal ‏@ArkansasRoyal
Thought I'd break it first. Chris Petersen is in the Broyles center. #hogs
Pat Bradley ‏@PatBradley22
Per @DavidBazzel OK St Mike Gundy next Hog coach
So now there are reports that the UT job is not appealing to Gundy.... Seriously Hart is allowing an ass clown from a cow college say that our job is not appealing to him??!?!
Hart is about as good with public relations as Anthony Weiner was with online affairs.
So now there are reports that the UT job is not appealing to Gundy.... Seriously Hart is allowing an ass clown from a cow college say that our job is not appealing to him??!?!
Hart is about as good with public relations as Anthony Weiner was with online affairs.
You do realize that you could go on twitter and put that you are hearing that Gundy said calling the hogs is a joke and that he would much rather sing rocky top all night long and people would post it on message boards as truth?
John Helsley
Just got it from another strong source that Gundy has NOT been hired at Ark. And from another that Tenn not appealing... #okstate
Tony LoPresto ‏@TLoPresto
@jjhelsley not appealing what? Or not appealing to Gundy?
John Helsley ‏@jjhelsley
@TLoPresto not appealing to Gundy, for various reasons.
This is dumb. No one knows what Hart is doing. This has been the most professional search ever conducted here as the only thing to be rumored was delusional fans thinking Gruden was coming. No leaks from the AD and no named front runners are how coaching searches should be conducted.
Okay guy.
You can spin it whatever way you wish to fit your agenda, but these tweets are from a reporter from the Oklahoman that covers Oklahoma State football. Not some random twitterer.
So now it is public that cow college Gundy finds our job unappealing, for various reasons. Hart was a dipshi*t for pursuing that clown in the first place, and even more utterly incompetent for letting him call our job unappealing before we hired our own coach.
Anyone who wanted this ass clown as the next head coach at our great University should be ashamed.
Oklahoma State Football Coach Mike Gundy Upset - YouTube
..something out there they have their coach and may be announced today.
So it could come down to Strong and Gundy with Fedora in the mix. I wouldn't discount Butch Jones and haven't heard anymore on Mora.