Mike Keith=voice of the Vols [on TV tomorrow]

He is truly awful. I mean downright terrible. Can't tell you the times I've tuned in to a basketball in progress and had to wait 5 minutes just to hear the score or some other vital piece of info.

I live in Nashville so the only times I really listen to him is bball games. Because I go to the fball games. I can't tell you how many times I've dog cussed him begging for the score, the time left and for him to tell me the right team UT is playing. Listening to him call a bball game is mind numbing. I seriously get upset about it. I know it is childish of me but damn. I have many times pulled my car over to the side of the road and gone to score mobile on my phone to get the score and time. That is no lie.....

One year while playing Alabama in bball, he several times, called Alabama Auburn. It was time to punch a wall...

He is the only radio person that actually makes me mad as hell...

On a side note I think Jim Hawthorne (LSU) does an outstanding job! 870 am out of New Orleans.....
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I live in Nashville so the only times I really listen to him is bball games. Because I go to the fball games. I can't tell you how many times I've dog cussed him begging for the score, the time left and for him to tell me the right team UT is playing. Listening to him call a bball game is mind numbing. I seriously get upset about it. I know it is childish of me but damn. I have many times pulled my car over to the side of the road and gone to score mobile on my phone to get the score and time. That is no lie.....

One year while playing Alabama in bball he several times. Maybe 50 times during the games kept calling Alabama, Auburn. It was time to punch a wall.........

Know your pain. And I don't hear his football calls either, just basketball. I think I'd smash my radio if I had to listen him call a football game.
I used to turn the sound down on the tv and listen to John Ward. I've never slightly contemplated thst with Bob. I don't care for Mike Keith either. Comes across arrogant to me. Jmo
I'm all Vol on Saturday and all Titan on Sunday, if you've ever listened to a Titans broadcast, you can tell right away that Mike Keith is a John Ward disciple. He's always very well rehearsed (knowledge of prior games, players, statistics, etc.), very well spoken, very precise, and very charismatic. He's also a good guy (so is Bob Kesling, I've met them both) but not everyone is born with the golden microphone and Kesling was not, nothing personal. Every Sunday, I turn off the TV sound and I listen to Mike Keith, Frank Wycheck, Cody Allison and Larry Stone just as i did for John Ward and Bill Anderson. I'll be in Knoxville for the game, but part of me wanted to order the pay per view to imagine what could have been if Mike Keith was the Voice of the Vols.
Mike was awesome when he did Vol Baseball in the mid 90's. Would have been almost as good as John Ward.
I would pretty much take any radio professional over what we have. Bob is a good ole guy, but goodness, I can't seem to "see" a thing when he is calling. The color commentating is entertaining however. :)

Bob is all right,he is following a legend is his problem
He's so much better... His Touchdown Titans gives me a much better feeling than Keslings "Into the Cheggerboards"

Not to mention his "It's a Miracle!!!" call for the Music City Miracle... Some of his play by plays over the years make your hair stand on your back, and I care for the Titans far less than i do for the Vols.

Lo, you have a hairy back.
Bob is not alright. Followed a legend or not. He got the job because he'd stuck around. It's been 15 years dangit, and he still has zero personality or unique identity.
Mike comes off arrogant in person, but there is no question he runs circles around Bob in the booth.
I rarely listen to Bob because the mistakes stand out. Let me tell you that all broadcasters make mistakes. The difference is what stands out.
Cleary there are a bunch if idiots on this forum. Another recent thread had some saying Kesling better than Ward. pandamonium reigns.
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Bob makes a ton of mistakes. You would think he would know the names of the players sense he is covering the network.
I've almost got my wife talked into ordering the game since we can't make it to the stadium. This way she can hear what ShOULD have been.
I let her watch Wards greatest calls and after 1 minute she was hooked on Ward. She has never like Bob though. Boring Bob she calls him.
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