I hate this mostly because of my Son. He’s a young boy who absolutely lives and breathes Tennessee sports.
He got a Vols baseball jersey for Christmas and has worn it for 3 days straight.
He watches videos over and over again of all the UT games.
He got a little basketball signed by Coach Barnes after a game at TBA and just lit up. I’ll never forget it.
Wears an old Adidas #8 jersey and plays football in the yard for hours on end. Sings Rocky Top when he scores

He was the only kid in his school who wore UT gear on spirit day and he wore every piece of gear he had.
I’ve seen him defend Tennessee to the point of almost fighting other boys.
We didn’t get to make a game this year, but hope to get up for a b-ball game and baseball in the spring. He has asked me 437 times when we’re going back.
Last year, we went to the UConn game. Drove 3 hours. Got there at first light and stayed til after dark because he “wanted to see it all.”
I’ve been a Tennessee fan for 40 years. I’ve watched the Vols win National Championships, have been in Neyland and TBA for some great, great wins. I’ve ridden with the Vols through the rough times, too.
But he doesn’t know any better. He couldn’t stay awake to watch the whole game the other night. When I told him the Vols couldn’t pull it out, he just got silent. I know it hurt.
Later that morning, he was back out there in that #8 jersey, scoring TDs in front of 102k fans.
How am I gonna explain all this to him?
We might be able to score tickets more easily if things keep going, so there’s a bright spot.
But it is absolutely going to suck to try to explain to him why the guys he looks up to have left Tennessee.
We are living in bizarro world.