Militarized Japan



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Japan PM Puts "Strike Option" On Table In 1st Since WW2 Amid China, Russia Provocations | ZeroHedge

Ironically Japan's leaders have long carefully avoided even references to the word "military" to describe its national defense forces. That looks to change given growing concerns over China (including ongoing island and territorial water disputes), as well as Russia's assertiveness over the Northern Territories/Kuril islands (and recent missile deployments there) - not to mention recent missile testing by North Korea.
The crap Japan will build if it actually starts building weapons will be unworldly.

My guess is we are gonna see an EMP device that can knock out entire continents.
This is good. Let Japan and these other countries step up to the plate and defend their side of the world. We got fascists and troublemakers over here in America.
China would crush Japan without breaking a sweat.
China would crush Japan without breaking a sweat.

Japan has 23 subs last I checked. China has 40.

It would not be a walk away win. Both would suffer major casualties. This is also not factoring in Taiwan who would help Japan even if we stayed nuetral.

Japans navy is larger than both Britain and France combined.

We need a strong Japan and we need them to start building all weapons because war with China is eventually coming.
Japan has 23 subs last I checked. China has 40.

It would not be a walk away win. Both would suffer major casualties. This is also not factoring in Taiwan who would help Japan even if we stayed nuetral.

Japans navy is larger than both Britain and France combined.

We need a strong Japan and we need them to start building all weapons because war with China is eventually coming.
If they are launching nukes, 1 is enough. More than that is merely insurance.
Japan has 23 subs last I checked. China has 40.

It would not be a walk away win. Both would suffer major casualties. This is also not factoring in Taiwan who would help Japan even if we stayed nuetral.

Japans navy is larger than both Britain and France combined.

We need a strong Japan and we need them to start building all weapons because war with China is eventually coming.

If China doesn't completely collapse first. They are teetering, but who knows, that may make them even more desperate.
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Desperate countries are capable of just about anything especially ones that have large militaries, I think that is something that history has definitely taught over the last century. It's been 80 years since the last major World war and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if China was stupid enough to start one. The greatly overestimate their military capabilities but they do have one major advantage and that is economic sanctions against the US and Europe who greatly rely on their manufactured goods.
Desperate countries are capable of just about anything especially ones that have large militaries, I think that is something that history has definitely taught over the last century. It's been 80 years since the last major World war and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if China was stupid enough to start one. The greatly overestimate their military capabilities but they do have one major advantage and that is economic sanctions against the US and Europe who greatly rely on their manufactured goods.

Trump was right again. You level the import/export playing field against, lower domestic regulation and make the tax code more inviting and encourage companies to operate in the US. Make America a great place to operate which stifles China.

Brandon is Officer Friendly. About those Hunter sold paintings at the galleries....
You misunderstood. I’m advocating for it.

You don’t try and fight a junkyard dog. You take the leash off your bigger, meaner dog.

The 21st century version of the Japanese Imperial Navy would be an incredibly powerful ally in the Pacific.

Time for the sleeping giant to awaken.
You have Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan and Australia in that region that can counter China.

Let them worry about that hemisphere and we can fight the fascists and domestic terrorists over here.

Aussies. LOL.
Japan has 23 subs last I checked. China has 40.

It would not be a walk away win. Both would suffer major casualties. This is also not factoring in Taiwan who would help Japan even if we stayed nuetral.

Japans navy is larger than both Britain and France combined.

We need a strong Japan and we need them to start building all weapons because war with China is eventually coming.

If we went into a true war with China it would be the end of civilization.
Japan is only doing this because they have concluded “big brother“ America no longer has the leadership, will or capability to protect them against our shared rivals. So good for Japan. Bad for us, as to their reasons.
Good for us, also. We don't need to exhaust anymore blood and treasure being scattered all across the globe to protect other countries when our own country is under siege.

Our issues and enemies are right here within our borders, not externally.

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