Militarized Japan

If we went into a true war with China it would be the end of civilization.
Bring it on!!! China launches one nuke on us they know we and about 15 other countries will turn them to dust. Bam end of China!! And that wouldn’t be a bad thing for anybody else in the world.
Only the Chinese people can end it. I think Tom Clancy had it right in the book Bear and the Dragon, when the Chinese people turn on the party the party will start a war.
Too bad they can’t own guns
And yet, they were sabre rattling with China 2 or 3 weeks ago with regards to a possible Taiwan invasion. So they already have a defact military alliance established between the two.
. We get it you love commie governments
You underestimate all the politicians and bureaucrats China owns.
. We send them on their way. It’s simple we cut off all ties with them every country in the world ignores them like they don’t exist. Let them try and take them on the whole world lol
. We send them on their way. It’s simple we cut off all ties with them every country in the world ignores them like they don’t exist. Let them try and take them on the whole world lol


You think western politicians and bureaucrats who are fully brought/paid for by China are going to slap the hand that stuffs their pockets?
China is a serious threat to us and the world. The PC and woke politicians and liberal hipsters who hate this country betted wake up or they and their kids will be speaking mandarin in 30 years.
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. The better alternative being we let China hit us first? We know it’s coming just a matter of time they already hit us with a bio weapon virus what will be next?

Why would China break their piggy bank with overt aggression?
Indians trust Chinese about as much as we do and they can’t afford for their neighbor to take over the world.

I hope you are right but the reality is China doesn't need to get into a shooting war with us, they can play the long game.
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You think western politicians and bureaucrats who are fully brought/paid for by China are going to slap the hand that stuffs their pockets?
. When WW3 breaks out with them yes I think they will. Wait till China cuts off all the pharmaceuticals and other needed supplies we get from them. We financed a country for the last 50 years that is now making a play for world domination and wants to hurt us and kill us. Well played traitorous American politicians and greedy corporations well played!!!
You misunderstood. I’m advocating for it.

You don’t try and fight a junkyard dog. You take the leash off your bigger, meaner dog.

The 21st century version of the Japanese Imperial Navy would be an incredibly powerful ally in the Pacific.

Time for the sleeping giant to awaken

Godzilla was created in Japan.

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