Miller Lite’s Chief Of Marketing Has Spent Years Flopping From One Liberal Cause To Another

'Fraid it's full of Bud Heavy from a cookout in March and a bunch of PBR from a camping trip last weekend.
No High Life? You mentioning it a ways back got me to reconnect with it and have been sipping on it on the rare occasion I drink beer. I’ve enjoyed it.
Interestingly, it's not pictured or discussed anywhere on the internet, either.

Thankfully, it appears that we Pernicious drinkers are safe from gay juice.

I mean, WW does pride promos. That's easily searched.

I seent the can with my own two eyes 2 weeks ago. You're drinking gay juice.
No High Life? You mentioning it a ways back got me to reconnect with it and have been sipping on it on the rare occasion I drink beer. I’ve enjoyed it.

I almost always take home leftover beer from gatherings. I also always drink all the high life.

It really touches me when I help people find their way back to God's piss.
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