Every right leaning or libertarian organization should be going into every underprivileged, poverty stricken, dilapidated run down town where minorities are, and should do nothing but walk around every day talking to the constituency that the Dem's have craved, and ask them what has changed in their life time where they live? Parents life time? Things better, worse? What has the dem party done for you?
Education better, or worse? How do you feel about the treatment of non Americans who are breaking the law and the pandering and the money being spent to make their lives better........whilst yours over 10, 20, 30 and 40 years hasn't changed? If the right had any brains they would be living in these area's and doing this daily.
But, nobody is saying these people (Rep.) are smart, or want to actually work.
Worse, is the segment of the population who just wants their government cheese, or draw.
Buddies mom was a teacher in a pretty bad part of Cincinnati, she told me the stories of each year, a certain percentage of kids, 7-8 year old mind you, "what do you want to do when you grow up"......some would say, "draw", as you mean an artists? No, like get my monthly draw (from the government). Sad.