Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

I believe the data speaks for itself. Sometimes you think the Wall is a waste of time, a waste of money, and is a stupid idea. Other times, it’s a plausible solution. It’s not a bad idea, but not the best idea. It is something to be considered for sure.

But people are free to make their own interpretations.

And yes, it’s completely ok to change your mind on something. Never changing your mind on anything is a sign of stubbornness, not virtue.

Which statement is leading you to believe I thought it was a "plausible solution?" Because I said it "may help?" Wth, dude. Was it when I said it would be a deterrent but wouldn't make much more than a dent? Honestly, wtf
These folks never come straight out and call a 🤡 adminstration 🤡 's. His citizens are mad and that is what is finally happening. Dude is complaining about 15,000 people. Imagine these border states taking on 100s of thousands of these illegals.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker calls migrant influx "untenable," intensifying Democratic criticism of Biden policies​

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Which statement is leading you to believe I thought it was a "plausible solution?" Because I said it "may help?" Wth, dude. Was it when I said it would be a deterrent but wouldn't make much more than a dent? Honestly, wtf
Compare these statements (Set A)

A wall is an unoriginal idea that may help.

The wall will not be 100% effective.

A wall is costly and will likely not prove to be a good ROI.

Is a complete wall a deterrent on some level? Yes.

To these: (Set B)

I find the idea of a wall as a solution to be a laughable waste of money and attention.

The wall is stupid.

Set A would lead most observers to believe the person making those statements views the Wall as a plausible solution, though not the best or only solution. While the person making the statements in Set B does not.

What’s ironic is it’s the same person making the statements.
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Compare these statements (Set A)

A wall is an unoriginal idea that may help.

The wall will not be 100% effective.

A wall is costly and will likely not prove to be a good ROI.

Is a complete wall a deterrent on some level? Yes.

To these: (Set B)

I find the idea of a wall as a solution to be a laughable waste of money and attention.

The wall is stupid.

Set A would lead most observers to believe the person making those statements views the Wall as a plausible solution, though not the best or only solution. While the person making the statements in Set B does not.

What’s ironic is it’s the same person making the statements.

So you take away all of the context and still can't make the point. This was a lot of work to fail this badly. Even without the context, nothing in group A suggests I ever thought the wall was a plausible solution. This is a clown show. The strongest statement I made in favor is that a complete wall (which will never happen) could be a deterrent on some level. Come on, dude.
So you take away all of the context and still can't make the point. This was a lot of work to fail this badly. Even without the context, nothing in group A suggests I ever thought the wall was a plausible solution. This is a clown show. The strongest statement I made in favor is that a complete wall (which will never, ever have) could be a deterrent on some level. Come on, dude.
The real work is the mental gymnastics you are performing by refusing to acknowledge the obvious.

Maybe you have never had to analyze data from surveys, questionnaires, etc. I’m not sure. We can drop it. It’s clear your own words aren’t enough to show you that you are inconsistent (at best) on this topic.
The real work is the mental gymnastics you are performing by refusing to acknowledge the obvious.

Maybe you have never had to analyze data from surveys, questionnaires, etc. I’m not sure. We can drop it. It’s clear your own words aren’t enough to show you that you are inconsistent (at best) on this topic.

My own words confirm that I haven't flip flopped on my border wall position. It requires mental gymnastics to make your case. There is literally no support for a border wall there. At best, you got me saying that it can be a deterrent. That is not support. That is an admission that it wouldn't entirely be a failure. You're trying to use the fact that I was being reasonable, rather than holding an extreme position, against me.

I believe the border wall does something. I do not believe it is money well spent. I do think it's stupid, and a political charade, even if it has some value. I believe it's a very flawed solution. That has consistently been my position.

Your posts are fraudulent and you're embarrassing yourself.

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Rep. Ken Buck Introduces Legislation To Target Federally Funded Healthcare For Illegal Immigrants​

Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck introduced legislation to bar federal funds from being allocated toward healthcare for illegal immigrants, according to a press release exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The No Federal Tax Dollars for Illegal Aliens Health Insurance Act seeks to amend the Affordable Care Act to clarify that federal funds may not be used to offset health insurance premiums or provide other benefits to non-citizens and those not legally in the U.S. Along with Buck, Colorado GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert co-sponsored the legislation that is aimed at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Treasury, according to the press release.

“Tax payer dollars should not fund healthcare for non-citizens. Yet Democrats are stealthily using Section 1332 waivers to grant free healthcare to illegal immigrants,” Buck said in a statement. “This is a slap in the face to the hardworking Americans who subsidize this coverage with their tax dollars while foregoing medical care themselves. This bill ensures the needs of the American people come first, not last.”

My own words confirm that I haven't flip flopped on my border wall position. It requires mental gymnastics to make your case. There is literally no support for a border wall there. At best, you got me saying that it can be a deterrent. That is not support. That is an admission that it wouldn't entirely be a failure. You're trying to use the fact that I was being reasonable, rather than holding an extreme position, against me.

I believe the border wall does something. I do not believe it is money well spent. I do think it's stupid, and a political charade, even if it has some value. I believe it's a very flawed solution. That has consistently been my position.

Your posts are fraudulent and you're embarrassing yourself.

Apparently you believe spending billions on these millions of illegals in this country is a better trade-off. This doesn't include crime, inflation, suppression of wages, etc.
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1. I never stated that you flip flopped on this issue. I also think Hog was saying that YOU flip flop (in general. Like on most everything) not on this issue solely.

2. Your post prove that you are not consistent on this.One year Walls are a stupid waste of money. The next year Walls may help and act as a deterrent on some level.

3. Lash out at me all you want brother. We all like to believe that we are consistent people. Truth is, we aren’t. Have a good night. I’m about to watch some football.
My husband just had a crazy idea.. what if the government is taking money from Mexico/ the cartels in exchange for the open borders and this is funding the Ukraine war a la the Contras, Obamas gun sales? It may be two fold, poor people’s votes for entitlements and a fundraiser for this expensive and pointless war that has nothing to do with us
My husband just had a crazy idea.. what if the government is taking money from Mexico/ the cartels in exchange for the open borders and this is funding the Ukraine war a la the Contras, Obamas gun sales? It may be two fold, poor people’s votes for entitlements and a fundraiser for this expensive and pointless war that has nothing to do with us

Plausible. The CIA has been tied up with the cartels for decades.
Yeah, that ain't happening.

But I'm anti-wall. Our wall should be making it unattractive to come here illegally by offering no support/benefits can't rent/buy housing (landlord or seller faces jail), cannot be employed (employer faces jail time), kids cannot attend school and most importantly do away with birthright citizenship. At a minimum 1 parent must be a citizen (not legal resident) for a child to receive birthright citizenship.

The last issue is absolutely essential, but it looks like it would take a Constitutional Amendment, and those take forever. We'll either be nothing by then, or someway the masses will be convinced it's not necessary. Either way, I can't see it happening even though most countries have already sided against granting citizenship by birth location.
What good will a wall do? It's a feel good solution, if that, for immigration. The long term solution is backing stable governments and democracies south of the border. In the short term, I guess its do our best with the onrush of humanity looking to escape corruption and organized crime.
Yes, stable countries with strong economies in central and south America would help but we don't have a good track record propping up governments down there. The key would be to legalize drugs here taking the cash out of the hands of the criminal organizations down there.

Spanish influence after Spanish colonization left Central and South America permanently scarred. There's little hope that the endemic corruption will ever go away and people might see and feel what prosperity looks like. The people fleeing from down there understand that. We probably prop up the wrong people because in the end all Latin strongmen turn out to be dictators either of the left or right variety, and the people are still screwed ... another day, another dictator.
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Biden's border crisis sparks world's largest traffic jam: 12-mile line of trucks with $1.5b worth of goods waits to enter US - after president began building Trump's wall and NYC Mayor Adams went to Mexico to stop flood​

  • Trucks attempting to enter the US from Mexico queued for miles on Wednesday
The crisis at the border sparked a huge 12-mile pileup of trucks carrying $1.5billion worth of goods, after president Joe Biden ordered a wall be built and NYC mayor Eric Adams visited Mexico in an effort to stop the flood of asylum seekers.

Thousands of trucks attempting to enter the United States from Mexico queued for miles on Wednesday amid delays related to record migration that has seen more than two million people apprehended at the US-Mexico border this year.

They were left stranded on the Mexican side of the border after US authorities shut down crossings and imposed extra security checks amid an increase in migration.

In Ciudad Juarez on Wednesday, trucks waited to cross a bridge into Santa Teresa, New Mexico, after cargo processing was temporarily suspended at a bridge connecting the city to El Paso, Texas, to allow customs officers to assist in processing migrants arriving outside official crossings.

View attachment 584769
The crisis at the border sparked a huge 12-mile pileup of trucks carrying $1.5billion worth of goods on Wednesday

View attachment 584770
Trucks were left stranded on the Mexican side of the border after U.S. authorities shut down crossings and imposed extra security checks amid an increase in migration

This and cutting any foreign aid is how you get Mexico's attention. If Mexico doesn't get involved in stopping the parade route, the illegals will keep coming. People took Trump's "making Mexico pay for the wall" literally. Paying isn't quite the same as having funds redirected, but it's close. When Mexican companies see income drying up, the internal political pressure will follow.
The last issue is absolutely essential, but it looks like it would take a Constitutional Amendment, and those take forever. We'll either be nothing by then, or someway the masses will be convinced it's not necessary. Either way, I can't see it happening even though most countries have already sided against granting citizenship by birth location.

Yes the 14th amendment which is a perfect example of the lack of forethought post founding fathers era.
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Spanish influence after Spanish colonization left Central and South America permanently scarred. There's little hope that the endemic corruption will ever go away and people might see and feel what prosperity looks like. The people fleeing from down there understand that. We probably prop up the wrong people because in the end all Latin strongmen turn out to be dictators either of the left or right variety, and the people are still screwed ... another day, another dictator.
I think our CIA has intervened to keep strongmen in power south of the border for a fairly long time. Given a chance, I think you might see democracy work down south. Seems like most Hispanics value hard work and prefer a simple life. Also, we've got to reckon with a strongman of our own in trump, so it's not like were completely immune either these days. There's just a certain part of human nature which seems to like the idea of having an alpha be the decider. You could call it our chimp nature, or our pack mentality.

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Government Busing 30,000 Migrants Causes Shift in Human Smuggling Routes​


Government officials in Mexico announced the busing of more than 30,000 migrants who are ultimately trying to reach the U.S. border. The program is causing shifts in the routes that migrants take in southern Mexico.

Last month, the state of Oaxaca began setting up a series of impromptu bus stations known as Centros de Movilidad Migratoria (Migration Mobility Centers), where they provide basic necessities, short-term shelters, and the sale of low-priced or free bus tickets to Mexico City.
According to the regulations set forth by immigration authorities, the migrants who arrive at those shelters and get on the buses to Mexico City should remain in the southern part of the country. However, Breitbart Texas spoke with a high-ranking official with Mexico’s National Immigration Institute who revealed that the migrants are not staying in central or southern Mexico and are continuing their intended journey north.

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Biden admin may have Lost Track Of Millions Of Migrants Crossing Southern Border: congressional report​

The Biden administration is potentially failing to track millions of migrants who have illegally crossed the southern border as monthly encounters continue to skyrocket, according to an interim report assembled by GOP House Judiciary Committee staff.

According to the 61-page report – shared with Fox News Digital and which cites new information obtained by the Judiciary Committee – the number of illegal migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border exceeded 2.2 million in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2023. The data further shows that the federal government has "no confirmed departure" for more than 2.4 million migrants encountered since January 2021.

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Do you think the illegals in Arizona should leave?

Didn’t want to clutter the Israel thread.

No. I do not. And to be clear he thinks all Jews should leave. He sees no jew living outside what the UN considers Israel to be “legal”.

But I support open borders.

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