600,000 Men Died for Anchor Babies
This Kushner-less Trump presidency is fantastic! Instead of the president's son-in-law
releasing criminals, Rep. Paul Ryan prioritizing tax cuts over the
wall, and Kushner pal Gary Cohn preserving Wall Street's tax
boondoggles, we're finally getting all that great immigration stuff Trump ran on in 2016. (Maybe he finally read "
In Trump We Trust" and remembered how fantastic he was.)
Trump's most important executive order is the one that returns to the American people the ability to determine who becomes a citizen. The way things are now, that decision is put in the hands of illegal aliens, who are here against our will and in violation of our laws or -- in the case of birth tourism -- in the hands of the Chinese government.
Apart from trivialities such as there being no law, no court ruling and no history to support treating kids born to illegals and tourists as "citizens," it's preposterous that America would cede control over who becomes a citizen to foreigners.
The media's incessant references to "birthright citizenship" -- I'm looking at you, New York Times -- deceptively suggest that the Constitution already contains a right to citizenship for anyone born here. There is no such right, and no sane nation would create one.
The constitutional provision allegedly bestowing this right is the 14th Amendment, one of the Civil War amendments, guaranteeing full citizenship rights to former slaves.
Give me a scenario -- it doesn't have to be true, give me
any scenario -- where, immediately after the Civil War, Americans felt compelled to amend our Constitution so that, 100 years hence, a pregnant Mexican could run across the border, drop a kid, and that kid would be a citizen, entitled to all welfare and education benefits, who could then bring in six more relatives.