No, being anti-CCM doesn't make you a joke.
The way you present your opinion makes you a joke.
Comments like ''Say something positive about Bruce Pearl, that'll really set them off'' are what makes you a joke. They are TROLL comments.
Failure to give credit and acknowledgement when CCM succeeds is what makes you a joke. It leads us to believe you've got your own agenda and that you'd rather be right than see the Vols win. You'd have a hard time convincing me otherwise at this point, no matter what you say. I've seen too many of your posts.
I have no idea why I just spent 5 minutes explaining this to you. I'm wasting my time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
If the Vols make the tournament, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong about CM. If you pay attention to the game threads, I am cheering for the Vols. I'm a former student during the Wade Houston era. Went to many games where his son was the only bright spot. So, I want the Vols to win, I just don't think CM is the man to get us there.