Here are the most significant changes to voting in the state, as written into the new law:
* Most concerning
1. Does it take 78 days for an email to get to you? Is 78 days really a problem? you are most concerned about there only being 78 days. typical.
2. "In order to confirm the identity of the voter, such form shall require the elector to provide his or her name, date of birth, address as registered, address where the elector wishes the ballot to be mailed, and the number of his or her Georgia driver’s license or identification card issued " bahahaha. that's strict? you don't even had to provide a copy, just a DL, or similar, number.
3. sorry that ballot harvesting is illegal. again I can't believe this is what you are most concerned about. Historically we have never mailed out ballots to everyone. NEVER.
4. drop boxes exist at the polls, where you were already limited to vote at.....yeah thats not a restriction. all voting happens at the same place for everyone.
5. all two of the mobile voting centers have to be used in case of emergencies. the horror. again, typical that you are getting bent out of shape by 2 mobile voting stations being reserved for emergency situations. oh course your article doesn't cover that part.
6. early voting expanded in places where its hard to get to the polls. but kept the same as it is where it isn't as difficult to get to the polls. again, typical that you find issue with early voting ACTUALLY BEING EXTENDED.
7. give the food to the volunteers and they distribute to the crowd.
8. are provisional ballots less than normal ballots? because they will mark it as provisional (to get double checked) if you are at the wrong place. Cause thats not an issue, or hasn't been in the past. again, typical that you are making a non issue an issue.
9. why should a 2 hour loss turn into a 12 gain of voting hours? again, non issue.
10. so what, they get it right. saves the Trump humpers from getting butt hurt about the news reporting totals wrong again, and them being too stupid to realize that the numbers weren't changed. I would think you would see this as a positive after this last election.
11. why should officials receive money from outside sources?
12, 13, and 14 are all linked. They removed a non elected official from the board. they placed checks and balances in place to make sure the voting laws are upheld equally across the state instead of the counties having different hours and causing confusion, which was an issue in the past. and in the past it was argued that it was done to favor the local red hats.
15. why is faster bad? You literally just complained about results taking too long under item 10.
typical uninformed bs.