Mo Couch explains the money situation...

That's my entire point. You and others in this thread are only looking at this through the prism of football. You don't care about Couch; you don't care about his family; you don't care whether they needed the money; you're not interested in how widespread the practice of taking money from agents is. You don't think anything else matters except football. Not the players -- the program. I think that's heartless.

At this point I really don't care what you think. You're drawing some inaccurate conclusions and I'll leave it at that.
That's my entire point. You and others in this thread are only looking at this through the prism of football. You don't care about Couch; you don't care about his family; you don't care whether they needed the money; you're not interested in how widespread the practice of taking money from agents is. You don't think anything else matters except football. Not the players -- the program. I think that's heartless.

That's my entire point. You and others in this thread are only looking at this through the prism of football. You don't care about Couch; you don't care about his family; you don't care whether they needed the money; you're not interested in how widespread the practice of taking money from agents is. You don't think anything else matters except football. Not the players -- the program. I think that's heartless.


Lots of pretty insensitive stuff in here. "He shouldn't have had the kid." Well, he did. Whether he 'should have had the kid' is in the past - the point is that it's now his responsibility to be a good father to his child and a good husband to his wife.

The fact is that family and football are probably the most important things in Couch's life. Can you blame him for trying to keep them both? Can you honestly tell me that you wouldn't have done the same in his position? It's so easy to sit back and make judgment when you have a different viewpoint and a different set of experiences.

Do I wish he'd found a smarter way to do it, sure. But I personally find it impossible to think ill of the intent behind his actions.
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If what he said was true.......Respect!!!!!! Family would come first in any decision I made also.
That's my entire point. You and others in this thread are only looking at this through the prism of football. You don't care about Couch; you don't care about his family; you don't care whether they needed the money; you're not interested in how widespread the practice of taking money from agents is. You don't think anything else matters except football. Not the players -- the program. I think that's heartless.

This :clapping:
he took ownership which is great, but you have to figure there was a smarter way for him to get money. good luck in the pros mo.
he took ownership which is great, but you have to figure there was a smarter way for him to get money. good luck in the pros mo.

I agree. however, he might not have known about the other means. I've known as i think i mentioned before, of people who had a disabled kid not being aware of agencies and other sources that could help their child. Matter of fact, when I was in Zona, it was fairly common for the school I worked at to get such kids who as old as 18. Their parents never knew a program such as our existed. One found out when driving past our location. Another when the school was featured in a news segment. And yet another who read about it in some magazine she was browsing at a mall bookstore. Nearly all had been to places seeking help that you'd think would know and tell them about the school. Just didn't happen and while it's less frequent now than before, it's still a reality for certain categories of the population.

Get a job? I agree. Being a full time student, an athlete expected to be at team meetings, practice, film reviews, studying the weeks game plan and who knows what else, it's not as simple as soon insensitive nitwits here want to believe. Show up too mentally and physically tired to play and those same people will damn them as quitters, lazy, busts, and things I doubt freak want us saying on his board.
I sympathize with him on why he took the money but did he have to get it Western Union? That's asking to be caught.
$1350 just doesn't seem like keeping the family together kind of money unless your family lives in a tent and only eats ramen. Not buying the excuse.
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$1350 just doesn't seem like keeping the family together kind of money unless your family lives in a tent and only eats ramen. Not buying the excuse.

I'm not going to pretend that I know what Mo's situation was like at that time. I will say that there were times when I was young that $1350 would have made all of the difference in my family eating, having shelter, or having the lights kept on. Luckily, those days are gone for my family but I am not going to assume that everyone is as fortunate.

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