Mo Couch explains the money situation...

Let her move back to Kansas for the stability. Family's have been separated for the better of the family...since...forever!!! This was a selfish decision that put the program as a whole in jeopardy which I put first. He ended up hurting the future and stability of his family with not playing this year. Was being away from them for a year or so worth that now??? If they were meant to be married and have a child the separation would have made them stronger.

Kids need to realize that having kids isn't easy or cheap. So the "I've been there" acceptance club needs to stop that and make them realize the problems it brings. Wrap it up or don't do it. Simple.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Just because you're older doesn't mean you are immune to hard times.

Look and the "Great Recession" we are still recovering from in some areas. A lot of older people, with kids, who otherwise would have been fine found themselves out of work, through no direct fault of their own, with little or no chances of finding income.

You also have people who, again not necessarily due to their own actions, end up disabled or sick and unable to work and loose their income.

I agree that for younger people who aren't financially stable having a kid isn't necessarily an ideal thing, but I also know that simply getting older doesn't mean that you can't be in a similar situation.
Just because you're older doesn't mean you are immune to hard times.

Look and the "Great Recession" we are still recovering from in some areas. A lot of older people, with kids, who otherwise would have been fine found themselves out of work, through no direct fault of their own, with little or no chances of finding income.

You also have people who, again not necessarily due to their own actions, end up disabled or sick and unable to work and loose their income.

I agree that for younger people who aren't financially stable having a kid isn't necessarily an ideal thing, but I also know that simply getting older doesn't mean that you can't be in a similar situation.
Younger people who are not financially stable is NOT an ideal thing in any way. Its simply not a sensible or responsible thing to do. Children are extremely expensive and if someone isn't mature enough to realize this...well they need to put this little piece of heaven on hold!
Lol...whatever man. Obviously accountability and responsible behavior/measures are over rated in your book.

The guy married the girl and was trying to provide for his family. How much more accountable do you want?
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The guy married the girl and was trying to provide for his family. How much more accountable do you want?

I would want him to take one more step...since adequate planning was not taken, he should've given up his senior year... gotten a "JOB"...and handled his new found responsibilities and try to figure out an alternate way to get a shot at the NFL. But no he didn't because he wanted to use this year to get that shot at the NFL. So to heck with the TEAM and the PROGRAM...I gotta get paid!'s really not that hard to figure out. I share the same stance with Bray taking money. You can paint the picture however you want...but both incidents were selfish acts.
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Schools makes millions and players make dick...student athlete my A$$. Nobody is driving to Knoxville on a Saturaday to see a science project
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Another beautiful part of this place is kid/parenting advice from people that haven't a clue about raising children and heading a family.

Also, if we told all the UT players that have taken $/board/car use/summer fake job in the past to go get a real job, we wouldn't have fielded a team in the 90's and wouldn't have an NC.
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Another beautiful part of this place is kid/parenting advice from people that haven't a clue about raising children and heading a family.

Also, if we told all the UT players that have taken $/board/car use/summer fake job in the past to go get a real job, we wouldn't have fielded a team in the 90's and wouldn't have an NC.

Oh let's keep it real. These kids are getting paid on campuses all across the country. I promise you that. But at the end of the day...if they are caught or reported??? It's violation time. I find it amusing how certain SEC teams seem to "never" get called on this!
I would want him to take one more step...since adequate planning was not taken, he should've given up his senior year... gotten a "JOB"...and handled his new found responsibilities and try to figure out an alternate way to get a shot at the NFL. But no he didn't because he wanted to use this year to get that shot at the NFL. So to heck with the TEAM and the PROGRAM...I gotta get paid!'s really not that hard to figure out. I share the same stance with Bray taking money. You can paint the picture however you want...but both incidents were selfish acts.

The upshot is that you think that Mo Couch ought to have regarded your sports team as more important than his own family. You'd be happier with him if he'd kicked the girl aside and left her and the baby to fend for themselves. Anything but risking THE TEAM and THE PROGRAM.
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The upshot is that you think that Mo Couch ought to have regarded your sports team as more important than his own family. You'd be happier with him if he'd kicked the girl aside and left her and the baby to fend for themselves. Anything but risking THE TEAM and THE PROGRAM.

No big're not getting it. It's what "he" should've done to support his wife and child. "He" should've obviously put them FIRST,tried to get a job,try to develop a "plan" for the future, and simply leave the team if he couldn't see a way to "legally" honor his athletic scholarship and be a husband and father. Because the TEAM should now be what...3rd or 4th depending on his academic priorities. But don't abuse the team and the program simply because it's the easiest way to "temporarily" solve the problem.
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No big're not getting it. It's what "he" should've done to support his wife and child. "He" should've obviously put them FIRST,get a job,try to develop a "plan" for the future, and simply leave the team if he couldn't see a way to "legally" honor his athletic scholarship. Because the TEAM should now be what...3rd or 4th depending on his academic priorities.

What I get is that you're excoriating this guy for not throwing his dream away by behaving in a ethically ideal manner when he found himself in an impossible situation. First Mo Couch fools around with a girl before he was married with a steady job -- like 99 percent of young people do. When she comes up pregnant, he actually does the right and honorable thing, but now he's in a precarious financial situation. And someone offers him some money to help. Meanwhile, he probably knows lots of other players all around him -- both on the Vols and other teams -- who are taking cash here and there, spending it frivolously, and never getting busted for it. So he's got three choices. 1) Lose his family, 2) drop out of football to get a job, thereby torpedoing his shot at the NFL (which is by far his best opportunity to provide for his family, by the way), or 3) just take the money like everybody else. So he takes the money.

What percentage of people always behave in an ethically perfect manner, even at great cost to themselves, when they think no one's looking? You're blasting this guy for not being a saint. You and a lot of other guys in this thread are so blinded by football that you've got no sympathy at all for the kids who actually play it, and I think that sucks.
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1truevol and fade routes' attitudes on Mo Couch are representative of a certain class of fans. Those who presume themselves to be inherently self-righteous and fault-free. And any player, ex-player (i.e. Tee Martin) who acts or decides in a manner not to their liking is damned eternally. Nevermind that these accusers and damning entities have committed acts and errors just as bad if not worse at some point in their lives. Mo, his wife and kids and all other players and ex-players who these entities don't Peytonize must endure the ultimate fate. And that is? To be crucified on a hollow iron cross with hands and feet nailed thereonto by wooden stakes with Adamantium tips. Why a hollow cross? So these self-proclaimed perfectionists can pour in a napalm and acetone peroxide mixture and ignite it to maximize the offenders' suffering. All while the self-declared holy ones dance with glee at they perceive as justified punishment.

I freely admit Mo was foolish in what he did. I also admit knowing what is widely known about athletes taking money, even back in the glory days, his biggest mistake was being caught. Just as Bill Clinton's biggest mistake with Monica was being caught. JFK had done as much if not more womanizing and gotten away with it. None of these men and countless others understand that to best avoid such issues, keep your gun locked in its case. Knowing it is loaded at all times. As for you black-hearted creatures, don't be surprised if karma pays you a visit.
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1truevol and fade routes' attitudes on Mo Couch are representative of a certain class of fans. Those who presume themselves to be inherently self-righteous and fault-free. And any player, ex-player (i.e. Tee Martin) who acts or decides in a manner not to their liking is damned eternally. Nevermind that these accusers and damning entities have committed acts and errors just as bad if not worse at some point in their lives. Mo, his wife and kids and all other players and ex-players who these entities don't Peytonize must endure the ultimate fate. And that is? To be crucified on a hollow iron cross with hands and feet nailed thereonto by wooden stakes with Adamantium tips. Why a hollow cross? So these self-proclaimed perfectionists can pour in a napalm and acetone peroxide mixture and ignite it to maximize the offenders' suffering. All while the self-declared holy ones dance with glee at they perceive as justified punishment.

I freely admit Mo was foolish in what he did. I also admit knowing what is widely known about athletes taking money, even back in the glory days, his biggest mistake was being caught. Just as Bill Clinton's biggest mistake with Monica was being caught. JFK had done as much if not more womanizing and gotten away with it. None of these men and countless others understand that to best avoid such issues, keep your gun locked in its case. Knowing it is loaded at all times. As for you black-hearted creatures, don't be surprised if karma pays you a visit.

You don't know jack squat about me,my character, what I've done or haven't done that's "as bad" or "worse" than what Mo or Bray has done. I have an opinion on their actions as it relates to the rules and expectations of a scholarship athlete and this University. They broke rules that "every" scholarship is made aware of. Unfortunately there are hardships ALL across the nation....but some people handle them better than others. Personally...I wish all college athletes were paid for many reasons but that's not the way it is. (Or supposed to be!)
You don't know jack squat about me,my character, what I've done or haven't done that's "as bad" or "worse" than what Mo or Bray has done. I have an opinion on their actions as it relates to the rules and expectations of a scholarship athlete and this University. They broke rules that "every" scholarship is made aware of. Unfortunately there are hardships ALL across the nation....but some people handle them better than others. Personally...I wish all college athletes were paid for many reasons but that's not the way it is. (Or supposed to be!)

You don't know jack squat about Mo Couch either. Just what is revealed in the media which may or may not be accurate in whole or part. And my post was my opinion too. At least we agree on one thing, the players should be paid. Well, I don't think of it as pay, but making sure their financial situation doesn't get them thrown out of school.

What I don't like is the judgmental attitudes seen too often here and the rest of Jerry Springer's America. Holier-than-thou folks presuming they can judge anyone who doesn't fit their fancy. While overlooking that they themselves and their heroes aren't so squeaky clean either.

Might help if such folks took it to heart that:

"There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill behaves any of us to find fault with the rest of us." - James Truslow Adams
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This is harsh, but he knew it was wrong and still did it and jeopardized our entire program over $1,300. He should've quit football and got a job if it were that bad

He didn't think he would get caught so he did not perceive that he was putting your team at risk. He deserves credit for manning up and being completely candid about it.
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My only thing here is, looking back, it seemed that Mo found $ to get several new tattoos and video games. If times are SO bad he must accept money to help his family, I just don't see those numbers adding up.

His apartment allowance would have paid for most of their housing. His food and clothing are covered. They even would (likely) have been qualified for subsidized housing, as are most all college kids.

I get that he felt he was doing it for his family, but $1300 - tattoos, videogames, etc = not a significant amount of money. At the time it probably seemed like a good plan, but he's in Knoxville. If he needed something he could have got it. Wiring money from Bama with his NAME on it?!
My only thing here is, looking back, it seemed that Mo found $ to get several new tattoos and video games. If times are SO bad he must accept money to help his family, I just don't see those numbers adding up.

His apartment allowance would have paid for most of their housing. His food and clothing are covered. They even would (likely) have been qualified for subsidized housing, as are most all college kids.

I get that he felt he was doing it for his family, but $1300 - tattoos, videogames, etc = not a significant amount of money. At the time it probably seemed like a good plan, but he's in Knoxville. If he needed something he could have got it. Wiring money from Bama with his NAME on it?!

I like your very civilized manner of posting. If I may venture to respond, here's my take:

1. When were the tattoos and vid games (Didn't know about this) acquired? Before or after he hit a financial snag? Was it when he was younger? Were they a gift from someone or he paid himself?

2. Subside housing, did he even know he might qualify? Don't laugh, I've seen families that didn't know educational or other programs existed to serve their handicapped child. And more.

Point is, we really don't know a lot of things about his life or situation. Maybe I'm sympathetic no so much as what I've observed firsthand as being prejudged myself. Even had the law called on me for something that happened while I wasn't even within 1,000+ miles of the state it happened. Luckily, that incident only took 15 minutes for the investigators to see they were wasting both of our time. They did tell me they would having a few words with my accuser. I suspect it was for sending them on a wild goose chase. To this day the bazzard avoids me. Good because I fear I would otherwise end up being guilty of what would happen to him if he didn't. Yes, he assumed because the car involved was the same make, model, and year it had to be me. Despite the fact my car hadn't moved from the carport for a month, right next door to him. Jakazz! Anyway, we don't know a lot so it isn't fitting to judge someone when you don't have all pertinent information.
Anyone with children would understand this. Don't blame him a bit!

Youre right. However having a kid is COMPLETELY a choice within your control. You want to give him this pass under "I have kids so its justified" thing but noone forced him to become a father. That could have waited til he was making a salary in the NFL. He did try to handle his situation so I dont see a problem in that choice but he still could have waited. Seems as if couch is impatient in many situations
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That's exactly what he should've done. He knew he was wrong but this was the easiest/quickest fix. He obviously didn't show respect to this team and the program in general. These kids are schooled on the rules and limitations of college athletes in regards to illegal benefits. There are hardships all over the country. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but our program didn't need another black eye.
While I agree that the program didn't need another black eye, given the choice between it and my family? Eff the program.
Do I care if Couch took money?
But why did he do it in a way that he knew would leave a paper trail? Not wise.

I agree there is a lot of sanctimonious BS aroudn here regarding Couch.
You don't know jack squat about me,my character, what I've done or haven't done that's "as bad" or "worse" than what Mo or Bray has done. I have an opinion on their actions as it relates to the rules and expectations of a scholarship athlete and this University. They broke rules that "every" scholarship is made aware of. Unfortunately there are hardships ALL across the nation....but some people handle them better than others. Personally...I wish all college athletes were paid for many reasons but that's not the way it is. (Or supposed to be!)

That's my entire point. You and others in this thread are only looking at this through the prism of football. You don't care about Couch; you don't care about his family; you don't care whether they needed the money; you're not interested in how widespread the practice of taking money from agents is. You don't think anything else matters except football. Not the players -- the program. I think that's heartless.
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