"Mom" and "Dad" are now bad words.

When the abnormal becomes the normal we should all be concerned.

Why? It's not going to affect my life one bit. Homosexuality was normalized and I think that's a good thing. Interracial marriage was abnormal, and now it's normalized. You assume all our current norms are good and proper.
NYC school has now deemed words like Mom and Dad, ladies and gentleman are not inclusive enough and need to be avoided.

Private school says phrases like 'mom and dad' should be avoided (nbcnews.com)

Great times we live in!

@McDad I hope you realize the pain you are inflicting on us all!

Meh, until I see rightwingers get as upset about this nonsense as they would about the flag or the national anthem, I don't think this will be resisted in a meaningful way.

Again, we are in a culture war. Look at the culture they are promoting. Destruction of the nuclear family.
Why? It's not going to affect my life one bit. Homosexuality was normalized and I think that's a good thing. Interracial marriage was abnormal, and now it's normalized. You assume all our current norms are good and proper.
Actually I think you’re in reverse on this one. Mom and Dad are normal. There is no reason to make them abnormal.
If this is the kind of problem we have the attention to worry about, then we must be living in great times.

yes and no - if you take a look at the article I posted you'll see there is real fear of retribution among people for violating these "rules". so yes, it should be trivial but there appear to be real consequences.
Meh, until I see rightwingers get as upset about this nonsense as they would about the flag or the national anthem, I don't think this will be resisted in a meaningful way.

Again, we are in a culture war. Look at the culture they are promoting. Destruction of the nuclear family.

It is one school, so really no need to get up in arms about it.
yes and no - if you take a look at the article I posted you'll see there is real fear of retribution among people for violating these "rules". so yes, it should be trivial but there appear to be real consequences.
These guys have stepped on the gas of this culture war since the ANTIFA/BLM riots.
If this is the kind of problem we have the attention to worry about, then we must be living in great times.

Research the Nazi's and how they used the children against their parents.

When you take away the bond between a parent and child by making them just another grown up then the next thing you are able to do is indoctrinate the child to inform authorities to help mom and dad in the event they aren't doing the right thing.

This is communism 101 stuff.
Lol, I want to see how far they get when the first teacher says "you people" and there's a minority in the crowd.

The school says that phrases such as "boys and girls" or "ladies and gentlemen," should be replaced with words like people, folks or friends. It says that students should be asked how they identify instead of assuming their gender based on appearance or clothing.
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Why? It's not going to affect my life one bit. Homosexuality was normalized and I think that's a good thing. Interracial marriage was abnormal, and now it's normalized. You assume all our current norms are good and proper.
Here's the issue. The left downplays someone having an issue with this, saying exactly what you did. You guys immediately turn around supporting people having an issue with a plastic potato. Why don't you guys say "if this is all we have to worry about " when it's something that stupid? Where's the rule that conservatives or independents can't state how stupid this is? Where's your post about the potato not being worthy of being renamed? I'm sincerely asking if your stance is that this isn't worth posting or being upset at, then why don't you feel the same about people having to rename a toy potato?

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