"Mom" and "Dad" are now bad words.

You think those pedophiles believe they're morally wrong? You dont think they make the same argument as sodomites to justify their lifestyles? Talk about stupidity.

I'm having a hard time believing that you can be this dense, but It looks like I was right that you wouldn't be able to connect the dots. Mile wide, inch deep intellects like yours rarely do.

Even if it's your contention that same sex and interracial marriages are morally wrong (they aren't), you're still conflating CONSENTUAL ADULT relationships with that of the abuse of CHILDREN. They aren't the same, no matter how much you screech and clutch your pearls about the slippery slope while laid back over your fainting couch.
My guess is that your knowledge of the documentary, what it’s about, who made it and why was shaped entirely by sensationalist headlines and Facebook memes.

Had you done a little research you may move past this false perception of it normalizing pedophilia.

Apparently you never watched it. But your statements make sense coming from you. That movie sexualizes children. You can claim it doesn’t all you want but it does.
Apparently you never watched it. But your statements make sense coming from you. That movie sexualizes children. You can claim it doesn’t all you want but it does.

It’s an docudrama and expose on the issue of hypersexualized children, directed by a woman that was sexualized as a child.

And apparently, you’ve never watched it. Had you, you’d have understood that you and the director are on the same side.

Cuties review – Netflix's controversial child exploitation film is bold, flawed - and misunderstood

Dig a little deeper BOT and think for yourself, reading headlines and relying on other people’s hot takes isn’t a good way to get informed on facts. Thanks for weighing in.
I'm having a hard time believing that you can be this dense, but It looks like I was right that you wouldn't be able to connect the dots. Mile wide, inch deep intellects like yours rarely do.

Even if it's your contention that same sex and interracial marriages are morally wrong (they aren't), you're still conflating CONSENTUAL ADULT relationships with that of the abuse of CHILDREN. They aren't the same, no matter how much you screech and clutch your pearls about the slippery slope while laid back over your fainting couch.

Lol, your judgement of morality is lacking I know the difference but the pedophile makes the exact same argument as homos when it comes to justifying their Immorality. Their born this way, etc.. why can't 11yr olds determine their morality? You have no issue with them getting abortions without parental consent.
Communist, fascist, it really makes no difference. They're both statism and damn the individual if it advances the state.
If you are making an ideological arguments it's best not to cross streams. Especially when those ideologies were directly opposed to each other.
Lol, your judgement of morality is lacking I know the difference but the pedophile makes the exact same argument as homos when it comes to justifying their Immorality. Their born this way, etc.. why can't 11yr olds determine their morality? You have no issue with them getting abortions without parental consent.

LOL, the pedo makes the "exact same argument as homos", as has been stated by me several times and which you are desperately attempting to deflect from - abused children are not the same as consenting adults. This is the difference and distinction that makes your abortion of an argument fall apart. When slippery slopes and strawmen are what your argument relies on, rethink your argument.

Truthfully, you sound like a guy that has some skeletons and needs everyone to "know" how much he's not a homosexual or pedo. Just saying man, thou dost protest too much.
If you are making an ideological arguments it's best not to cross streams. Especially when those ideologies were directly opposed to each other.

Do ideologies really mean anything when the Gestapo or the KGB drag someone out of bed at 3 in the morning for discussion and sensitivity training. Does ideology really mean much when a concentration camp is no different from a reeducation camp? Or when border fences are a means to keep people in rather than to keep illegal aliens out? If ideology is so flawed it requires totalitarianism to make it work, then why glorify the nonsense with a term or put it in one philosophical camp or another. Why not just say Marx and cronies were as much failures (and idiots) in designing a state as Hitler or Mussolini ... ramblings of mad men.

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