"Mom" and "Dad" are now bad words.

Why? It's not going to affect my life one bit. Homosexuality was normalized and I think that's a good thing. Interracial marriage was abnormal, and now it's normalized. You assume all our current norms are good and proper.
Yep! The more we normalize things the more power we take from the natural selection refugees which will eventually drive them off a cliff. Win/win!
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Research the Nazi's and how they used the children against their parents.

When you take away the bond between a parent and child by making them just another grown up then the next thing you are able to do is indoctrinate the child to inform authorities to help mom and dad in the event they aren't doing the right thing.

This is communism 101 stuff.

I feel like we should tell him. Should we tell him?
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If this is the kind of problem we have the attention to worry about, then we must be living in great times.

Agreed. Should be cross-posted in the First World Problems thread. Just shows how good of a job Biden is doing if the white grievance warriors on here are reduced to complaining about a private school in yankee land.
Agreed. Should be cross-posted in the First World Problems thread. Just shows how good of a job Biden is doing if the white grievance warriors on here are reduced to complaining about a private school in yankee land.
Care to answer my question then? Why is this nothing to worry about, or post about, yet you guys support anything else as long as your side is upset about it? Where's your post saying changing the name of a toy potato is nothing to be upset about?
Care to answer my question then? Why is this nothing to worry about, or post about, yet you guys support anything else as long as your side is upset about it? Where's your post saying changing the name of a toy potato is nothing to be upset about?

I think this is stupid, overly woke silliness. But I think it's even more silly that it's any concern to folks what an overpriced, private yankee school is teaching.
Agreed. Should be cross-posted in the First World Problems thread. Just shows how good of a job Biden is doing if the white grievance warriors on here are reduced to complaining about a private school in yankee land.
150000+ covid deaths since taking office. Biden's killing it!...lol
Nah, you need to reference some of those early horror movies references "the thing" or "the blob". The lower the budget and worse the cliche the better it fits him.
I look and feel blobbish.

McBlob works for me. It will not fly with McMom though.
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Try it and report back to us. I'm sure it will be an interesting and informative social experiment on the dynamics of marriage in the 21st century.
She owns a pistol. She knows how to shoot it.
I do not consent to you experiment.

I bet she wouldn't mind McCoonass. Or revert back to McRib.
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