Mooslims allowed to practice religion in TN!

What does that have to do with Murfreesboro?

Nothing, just like the Crusades have nothing to do with what's going on in the world today. Pointing out the bad behavior of others as a way of justifying your own is a tactic on which neither side can claim the high ground.
Nothing, just like the Crusades have nothing to do with what's going on in the world today. Pointing out the bad behavior of others as a way of justifying your own is a tactic on which neither side can claim the high ground.

Fair enough.
Too bad Christians in Gaza can't practice Christianity...

Gaza Christians sense pressure to convert to Islam

Or on Egypt.

US professor says Coptic girls being kidnapped, forced into servitude in Egypt

CAIRO: A new report from George Washington University professor Michele Clark and Coptic rights activist Nada Ghaly has argued that thousands of young Coptic Christian girls in Egypt are the victim of kidnapping and forced servitude by Muslims in the North African country.

“Women and girls who are found indicate they were befriended by friends or relatives of their kidnappers, or the kidnappers themselves, drugged and then taken in a well-organized plan.

“Others, like a young mother who testified before the Helsinki Commission last week, were snatched by violent strangers in broad daylight. Her would-be abductor shouted to bystanders while dragging her to a waiting taxi, ‘No one interfere! She is an enemy of Islam’,” said a report highlighting the new report.

The report, which detailed Clark and Ghaly’s latest description of violence against young Coptic women, goes on to say:

Abduction, many who return home indicate that they were raped and told they could not go home because their families would never accept them back. Many are beaten; others are forced into domestic servitude. They are not allowed to leave where they are held without a member of their captor’s family keeping watch. They eventually are brainwashed into thinking the only way to be safe is to convert. Their families, who have been searching frantically for their daughters, sisters and wives — without any help from the police — often never discover their fate. The lucky ones find out via YouTube and other websites that their daughters are alive and have converted. While some conversions could be legitimate, overwhelming evidence points to abduction, forced marriage and coerced conversion persecuting the Coptic population.

One of most reported cases is of Irene Hanna Labib, who was allegedly kidnapped from Sohag, some 500 kilometers south of Cairo, in 2009. According to AINA’s reporter, Mary Abbelmassih, the Egyptian police in the area are refusing to go after her abductor. She argues that Labib’s kidnapping is part of the “Islamization business” and part of the way Egypt’s Muslim population are attempting to rid Egypt of Christians.

She quotes Magdy Khalil, a Copt and researcher, who says “abducting and converting Coptic girls to Islam is not only a result of the paranoid and racist incitation against the Copts, it is an organized and pre-planned process by associations and organizations inside Egypt with domestic and Arab funding, as the main role in seducing and luring Coptic girls is carried through cunning, deceit, and enticement, or through force if required."

PS; Burhead I'll get back to you, I do know what I'm talking about.

Did you research either of the books I recommended?
(neither cover what you dispute but do give lots of background on real rather than rewritten history.)
The mosque is gonna piss a bunch of locals off, but they're in a pretty safe spot. For some reason I was thinking it was gonna be off of Bradyville Pike out in BFE. That would of been an accident waiting to happen.
I did, went to the library Friday and they didn't have it. They didn't have anything regarding the Yugoslav wars which was surprising.

The old memory hole seems to be working well.

Synopsis of 'rape of serbia.'

Lees worked with the Serbians during WWII underground and could never figure out why British Intelligence seemed to be screwing them and then in 1988 some British documents were declassified which revealed that there were highly placed communist agents in the government (ring a bell? FDR had plenty himself) who wanted Tito to takeover Yugoslavia after the end of the war.

The Serbians lost more people during WWII per capita, (both military and civilian) than any other ethinc group involved, including Jews.

They fought Hitler all summer during the siege of Russia and if not for the fact that the Germans had to protect their flank, the Nazis could have sent more of their troops to the eastern front and most likely have captured Moscow.

At the end of the war the communists made up the DAMNED LIE that the Chetniks were cooperating with the Nazis. Tito executed the brave Serbian General who led the Serbians throughout the war, his birthday is still celebrated even here in America.

The 'forgotten 500' is about 500 US airmen who had been downed and rescued and protected at great peril to their own lives by Serbians.

During the war the third largest death camp in the Nazi system was in Croatia. There were three divisions of moslem SS troops who were so brutal that even top German generals complained to Hitler about their extreme sadism.

At the end of the war the British loaded up a trainload of Serbian military, telling they were being sent to Italy but indeed they were sent to Croatia where Tito promply slaughtered them all.

He did continue to maintain the German death camp for six years, killing many more Serbians and other political enemies and then when that was closed opened up a camp on an island in the Adriatic. :salute:

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