More Climate BS...

Immigration. even wanting to just remove the illegals would remove several millions, maybe 10s of millions of workers. and there is a big truth of Americans not wanting/doing those jobs anymore so its not like we would fill most of them with people.
Depending on who is in power they have typically been bigger warhawks than the Dems. which has dug us into trillions of debt, causing huge inflation.
I don't know if you want to lump in Trump with the rest, but he is singlehandedly responsible for putting Fauci in charge which lead to the massive shutdowns of our economy. he also approved the first of several trillion dollar covid funds adding to the debt.
they aren't going to claim it now but the Rs were pushing the Patriot Act incredibly hard. and that has had huge damning results for this country; being the largest single expansion of government agencies power outside the scope of Congress in at least my life. Leading to them being weaponized as they now are.

at least these are laws that can be changed..eliminating a petro industry that powers our wealth and economy, not so much.
You lack any pragmatism
So instead of the affects of the Patriot Act, you get that on steroids with the Dems, and no petroleum.
Republicans haven’t weaponized the bureaucracy
John Kerry: 'It’s Time for U.S. Farmers To Go Extinct' - The People's Voice
Here's the article for you to read & to make up your own mind about it.
Same article. I read it. Seems to piece together a lot of stupid things he's said to make them appear even more moronic, if that were possible. I did not see the specific quote the link claims.

So, it appears he did not say that directly, but he is probably stupid enough to think we really don't need farmers because we can all go to Whole Foods to get something to eat. That's not hyperbole.

In the late 60's, farmers around the country were having hog killings to protest low prices for pork. That consisted of digging a pit, unloading hogs into it, shooting them and covering up the pit. I witnessed a couple as a boy. My Dad was kind of at the forefront of it in our corner of Georgia and apparently made a couple of TV clips that went to some outlets nationally. Got hate mail like you would not believe. One of his favorites was a lady from Chicago who said she didn't care how many hogs farmers killed, she got her pork at her local grocery store. On a micro level she was right although it wasn't what she meant; Chicago was probably slaughtering hogs from Iowa and Illinois for the most part.
Same article. I read it. Seems to piece together a lot of stupid things he's said to make them appear even more moronic, if that were possible. I did not see the specific quote the link claims.

So, it appears he did not say that directly, but he is probably stupid enough to think we really don't need farmers because we can all go to Whole Foods to get something to eat. That's not hyperbole.

In the late 60's, farmers around the country were having hog killings to protest low prices for pork. That consisted of digging a pit, unloading hogs into it, shooting them and covering up the pit. I witnessed a couple as a boy. My Dad was kind of at the forefront of it in our corner of Georgia and apparently made a couple of TV clips that went to some outlets nationally. Got hate mail like you would not believe. One of his favorites was a lady from Chicago who said she didn't care how many hogs farmers killed, she got her pork at her local grocery store. On a micro level she was right although it wasn't what she meant; Chicago was probably slaughtering hogs from Iowa and Illinois for the most part.
the irony of Hog liking your post
Immigration. even wanting to just remove the illegals would remove several millions, maybe 10s of millions of workers. and there is a big truth of Americans not wanting/doing those jobs anymore so its not like we would fill most of them with people.
Depending on who is in power they have typically been bigger warhawks than the Dems. which has dug us into trillions of debt, causing huge inflation.
I don't know if you want to lump in Trump with the rest, but he is singlehandedly responsible for putting Fauci in charge which lead to the massive shutdowns of our economy. he also approved the first of several trillion dollar covid funds adding to the debt.
they aren't going to claim it now but the Rs were pushing the Patriot Act incredibly hard. and that has had huge damning results for this country; being the largest single expansion of government agencies power outside the scope of Congress in at least my life. Leading to them being weaponized as they now are.

1) Immigration policy: Republicans are not against immigration, they are against unbridled immigration as we have now. I think Trump did a better job with this than any other recent President and certainly better than the current disaster.

2) Agree they are typically more hawkish than Dems have been, but that has kind of switched lately, which may be they simply are for/against whatever the other side is against/for. Partially agree on the military spending. We spend too much and wastefully as it is. But unless one completely cuts out military spending, no appreciable difference in the budget deficits will be seen. So technically correct in that military spending contributes, but it is by no means the only or even near the largest contributor to the public debt.

3) Covid mess. So yes, you're right. And I didn't think the shutdowns were a good idea nor the printing of money to prop the economy up, but no one was asking my advice. But this sounds a lot like 20/20 hindsight. Now, we all know Fauci became power hungry and loved it, but not sure anyone else knew what to do better at the time. Frankly, it looks like Republican governors had the best approaches and their states did better on the whole. I'm damn glad I did not live in Michigan, New York or California during that mess.

4) Patriot Act. Yessir, six days a week and twice on Sunday. One of the worst pieces of legislation ever fostered on the American public. A case study in why we should NEVER legislate based on fear or emotion. Did not like it when it passed and the disdain, no, the disgust with it has increased ever since.
Yes. He's in the lead for my vote at the moment.
I haven't seen enough to separate rhetoric from reality, and it is my default to be cynical of candidates...but I look at his "Truth" section of his website. I like what I am seeing.

Why don't we have a thread discussing him, does he have no chance in the race???
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Surprised some of you are considering Vivek. He is a Republican. Thought the parties were the same
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Start at 1:35 in video below:

Very interesting points...which completely destroy the garbage shrub hugger narrative of global freezing/global warming/ climate change/whatever new name they try in order to instill fear.

At the beginning if the last ice age global CO2 was at 20% (!!!) Of our atmosphere. Right now its at 0.04% and these clowns are screaming about cow farts killing us all. He also pointed out that if our CO2 level was dropped just 0.02%...from 0.04% to 0.02%...that ALL the terrestrial plant life would DIE on Earth. Followed of course by the animals that eat them and likely humanity as well.

Reminds me of my "back of the napkin" fancy illustration that i posted here long ago for the liberal mental midgets to help them grasp where we actually are in the natural CYCLE of temperatures/ice ages..


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Very interesting points...which completely destroy the garbage shrub hugger narrative of global freezing/global warming/ climate change/whatever new name they try in order to instill fear.

At the beginning if the last ice age global CO2 was at 20% (!!!) Of our atmosphere. Right now its at 0.04% and these clowns are screaming about cow farts killing us all. He also pointed out that if our CO2 level was dropped just 0.02%...from 0.04% to 0.02%...that ALL the terrestrial plant life would DIE on Earth. Followed of course by the animals that eat them and likely humanity as well.

Reminds me of my "back of the napkin" fancy illustration that i posted here long ago for the liberal mental midgets to help them grasp where we actually are in the natural CYCLE of temperatures/ice ages..

Sheep, cult, whatever the party tells them.
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