0.4 % . Our atmosphere is at 0.4% CO2 ...the deception involved with this global grift is unprecedented. The globalists put into practice Hitlers comments " repeat a lie loud enough, for long enough, and people will believe it is truth."
Those of us with our wits about us can look at the actual science and facts to draw a very different conclusion. Starting with the oft repeated lie that " 97% of scientists believe in climate change." Classic half truth style deception. Surely 97% of scientists DO believe Earths climate changes ...it is demonstrably cyclical. From one ice age to the next with hotter periods and higher sea levels in between. The real question is actually " What % of scientists believe in man made global warming?" Better still, " What % of scientists not on the dole for climate science believe that man made global warming is an existential threat? " There is serious conflict of interest when asking scientists if the "boogey man" they are studying/attempting to justify is real considering they are reliant on huge grants from the government to "study" these alleged impacts to the Earth. If there is no manmade global warming then they will not get paid to study/teach/indoctrinate.