Fine. Continue to evade and dodge and get lost in details. I know how this works. Clearly you go on and on about freedom and liberty but cannot even define what that is and where the lines are. Not sure how you can go on about our highest standards when you cannot even define where the standard even begins. Without the baseline there is no 'standard'. Call that asinine all you want but to make an argument with no specific starting point is as asinine as it gets. It's the equivalent of "can't we all just get along?"
As for the 50 and 16 year old example you clearly didn't bother reading since it actually does involve homosexuality. Take that aspect off and it goes into the whole notion of "freedom" which you keep claiming what this whole thing is about. Isn't that what this is about? Seeing your speech above and the whole consent logic, I figured you would have caught that.
Your argument is about consent and freedom. But then you say that clearly there are limits even to what defines an adult. You say freedom should supercede in the argument but then defer to a societal standard of even the baseline argument of "age". I'll take the whole notion of 'homosexuality' out of this altogether and you're still all over the board. But seeing as how you will still avoid addressing that, I will walk away from the argument.
Seriously, what am I dodging?
I was saying the age issue of consent is not limited to homosexuals. It happens with heterosexuals all the time.
I have no idea how you are coming to the conclusions you are about what I said because
1)I supposedly "dodged" your questions, so you shouldn't have anything to go on
2)you are jumping to conclusions that I didn't make.
I've been quite clear that the issue of "age" of consent has nothing to do with the original discussion. But I humored you anyway, and mentioned that the American standard varies (as you pointed out). Heck, if a 10 year old murders someone, he can be tried as an adult. It should begin when an individual is able to think and make decisions for themselves, fully understanding the consequences.
I think you walked away from the conversation a long time ago. You only attempted to cross-examine me and trap me in some sort of word game. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. I guess I "dodged" it.
Seriously, you should look up continuum fallacy. It's also known as the "line drawing fallacy."