For me it is Gus Malzann. The guy runs a glorified high school offense. Now that he doesn't have Cam creating offense along with defenses knowing to be disciplined and not fall for the silly types of misdirection, they just don't have much. They are terrible and he is still viewed as being some offensive Guru.
You seriously think Spurrier at Florida was overrated? For real?
Still getting checks from ND --- they thought he was worth a 10 year deal after 1 season with Willinghams players - So you as a Pats fan didnt think he was any good when he won the rings there as the OC ?
Yup... overrated yes... he was good record wise... don't think that crap would have worked in today's game. The passing equivalent of Les Miles in some ways. I think he did good at SC with what he had to work with.
It's just an opinion... overrated... I didn't say he was an idiot or something.
So because something wouldn't work today, he was overrated back when it did work?
That makes no sense.
Sure it does, its an opinion. I mean back in the 90s people were calling him an offensive genius, he was a solid coach, and it isn't easy winning but I still say he was overrated for what he did in Florida. I look at what he did in SC as a bigger accomplishment. It's not like I am saying he was trash.
Oh man, I forgot Gary Crowton (OC) for LSU... was called the Wizard... on his 5th job since being canned at LSU and has been canned a few more places... Maryland if I remember correctly let him go after a few games. Not a HC but man, the BYU fans told LSU fans what was coming.
Labeling something an opinion doesn't make it automatically make sense. He was an offensive genius in the 90s, evidenced by the national title and 6 SEC Championships and 7 SEC East Division winners, so I'm not getting your criticism. Seems to me if he's overrated, you have a very long list of overrated coaches.